#simon o'donohue
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Happy 1 year anniversary to this misunderstood and underappreciated movie.
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Star and Simon 💫⭐️
Starboy not being adapted made it so we didn't get AshaxStar, but I also mourn the idea of a Star and Simon friendship. And Dahlia, of course, but a super sunshine ADHD friend and burnt out depression friend friendship dynamic would have been cute to see
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Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 11: (Not So) Jolly Holiday 🐮🐎🐔
Chapter 10
We cut to the next morning, where Rosas seems to be returning to mostly normal. The center of the city looks to be back in its former state before Star had charged through the place. The town looks more crowded than usual.
Going to Gabo's hidden shelter, we see Asha had fallen asleep on the mattress, with Valentino snoozing by her feet. The little goat yawned as he stretched his little legs so he could start the new day. Val looked around and noticed the room was unusually quiet.
Valentino leaped onto the other side of the mattress and nudged Asha's arm, but she remained asleep, still holding the newly fixed pencil in her hand. He then walked over to her head and nuzzled her ear, hoping that would do the trick.
Asha's began to shift slightly, but her eyes were still closed. Still half asleep, she tried to shoo the feeling away. "Stop that, we can do that later..." she answered in a groggy voice.
Valentino didn't want to hear anymore of her sleep talking, so he made a rather childish move and licked her ear.

That did the trick. Asha bolted right up and grabbed her left ear. "I don't remember asking for a gross wake up call, Val." she grumbled as she rolled her eyes at the goat.
Valentino snickered and hopped down from the mattress.
Asha yawned and took a stretch. She had been so busy drawing up the next plan to get the wishes, she must've fallen asleep. Before then, the new little team had decided to work together (at least temporarily) to quietly return the wishes. Simon would look for Flazino and gain extra help while Gabo kept an eye out for the king and queen and let Asha and Star know when it was safe to leave.
She figured Simon and Gabo had gone back home until the next day, but didn't know where Star was when she looked around the room. Asha had offered to share her space with Star for the night, but he nervously insisted he'd be more comfortable on the wooden floor. She did wonder why he was shinning so brightly when she offered...
Valentino bleated as he gestured over to the far corner of the other side of the room.
Asha looked over and saw a large glowing dog lying down in the corner with his eyes closed. Now she remembered; When Gabo and Simon had left in the evening, Star stayed with her since he would draw too much attention now. Not to mention that anyone could notify the guards the minute they saw something unusual.
Star's ear perked up as he heard Asha approaching. He opened his eyes and tail started to wag. "Oh good, you're awake! I guess you got a great new plan for us to save those wishes?" he asked, stretching his legs.
"You'd guess right. Once Gabo comes back, we can..." Asha's voice trailed off when she noticed a small area on his shoulder was a dark green. She remembered Magnifico stabbed him there yesterday, but she assumed that it had healed by now.
Asha was going to ask about it until he instantly turned back into his human form.
"You sure sleep a while. I ended up talking to Val here for a few hours until he got tired too." He kneeled down and affectionately rubbed the top of Valentino head. The goat bleated happily.
"Well, I'm glad that— Wait, stars sleep?" Asha asked curiously.
"Oh yeah! Just not as long as humans, though. Yesterday took a lot out of me, I had to sleep an entire hour!"
Asha had to put her several questions about how did that even work like that, but their conversation was cut short when they heard a knock at the door. Gabo's voice immediately followed.
"You guys awake? If you are, please me tell you're not-"
"No, Gabo. Just get in here." Asha sighed in frustration. For some reason this guy thought something weird was happening every time he left them alone.
Gabo quickly entered the room, looked around to make sure he wasn't followed and shut the door behind him. "All right, I got some good news and I got some bad news." His face looked nervous.
Asha braced herself. "What news?"
Gabo straightened up. "Good news is that Simon found where Flazino is!"
"Where'd he find him?"
Gabo winced a little bit as he twisted his hat in his hands. "Wellll....that's the bad news. The thing is, we gotta leave here, like right now. There's tons of guards spread across Rosas. They're looking for you and they're knocking on people's doors to find out if anyone is hiding you and starboy here. They could check this place at any time and I really don't want to be thrown in the dungeon!"
"You know, I wish those two had better things to do than come after us..." Star chuckled, trying to ease the tension.
Asha could feel herself tensing up. It felt like just when she thought she was getting ahead of the royals, they turn out to be two steps ahead of her. She turned to Star and grabbed his shoulders.
"Listen to me, Star. The minute I give you the word, you have to change yourself into something small so they don't see you. Do you understand? I can't let them get you." Her voice was strict, but Star could feel the fear that she attempted to hide in it.
Star gave her a nod. "You got it."
The four of them quickly left Gabo's hideout and saw Simon outside waiting for them. The sleepy teen instructed them to stay close together and avoid looking suspicious. Star and Ashamed had put back on their cloaks, only this time they hoods needed to cover their faces more so than before. More eyes would be looking for them now.
Once they were a safe distance from the hideout, Asha pulled on Simon's baggy sleeve. "Okay, tell me what happened with Flazino."
"When I realized that he never woke me up early for my knight training-had to get an earful from dad-I checked the middle of the town in case he was on tour guide duty. He wasn't there either."
"Might want to speed this up, pal. Guards on duty, remember?" Gabo reminded him as he looked around and gripped the dagger on his belt.
"I went to see if he was home, and his parents acted like I was crazy. They said they didn't even have a son. Its like they forgot he existed. I overheard from one of the guards that Flazino was sent to a dungeon." Simon finished. The group turned a corner and could see way more guards were present in the town than usual.
"I knew there was a dungeon here!" Gabo quietly whispered gleefully. He waa having quite a good time being right lately.
Asha's heart sank. Magnifico had the power to change memories? Even ones of people they've known their whole lives? This was getting more and more dangerous by the hour. She started to believe that even the four of them wouldn't be enough against two powerful sorcerers.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed out of the corner of her eye, she saw Star waved to a couple of girls who were passing by. The girls giggled and waved back at him.
Asha grabbed the back of his hood. "Star, change now."
Star was startled. "Already? We just got out here!"
"Now, Star." she insisted, with more force.
The star didn't argue, he made sure he wasn't seen, and with a small flash, he turned into a little yellow mouse. He was still buried under the cloak and finally poked his head out. "A little help here?" he squeaked.
(Finally got to use this cute concept! Look at him!)
Asha gently picked him up and placed him in the inside of her own cloak. The now rodent star made himself comfortable. "Actually, this isn't so bad. I've never been carried before!" he squeaked.
Asha looked around, and felt something else was off. "If all these guards are here, then where's the king and queen?" Not that she wasn't relieved they weren't around, but it seemed suspicious considering they want the attention of the people every other hour.
"Probably up in their big fancy tower making sure the king's hair doesn't look out of place." Gabo joked.
"Its more because of tonight's wish ceremony. This is the first time they haven't announced themselves in the morning. Or maybe they did, I...haven't gotten much sleep lately." Simon guessed as he rubbed his tired eyes.
"Don't know you know sarcasm when you hear it?" Gabo rolled his eyes.
"I still don't!" Star chimed in.
Carefully walking through the town, the group avoided the sight of the guards. There were even more citizens out this time, all abuzz about the big ceremony tonight. Asha noticed a lot of the adults looked as tired as Simon. Much older ones looked sad or slightly sick like her grandfather, she started to question if they had a connection after their wishes were taken. Still, they didn't stop bustling around in preparation.
Simon led them down a hall near the kitchen. "I know someone who can help us since Flazino's gone. She personally delivers the food to the king."
Asha raised an eyebrow. "How could someone like....wait, don't tell me its-"
"Dahlia! Over here, I need to talk to you!" Simon waved over to a girl dressed in red.
"Be there in just a sec!" she called as she was carefully putting in a tray of spinach puffs oven.
Oh no, there's was no way Asha was going through this. At least at this moment. She had to find a quick excuse to get away and think...
"Can you guys wait here? I don't think Dahlia is ready to meet 'you-know-who' just yet. I'll find somewhere safe to hide him." she hurried herself away before either of the boys could say anything.
When she left, Mouse!Star poked his head out from the hood. "Hey, where are we going?"
"I need to get you somewhere where the guard's won't think to look. At least until we can get away from Dahlia." Asha whispered to Mouse!Star as she looked for a temporary hiding spot.
"Isn't she your friend? Don't you want to talk to her a little bit?" He asked concerned.
"At one point, yes. But that was when we were kids. Now she's been wooed by Magnifico. How do I know if I can even trust her?"
"Well, I know if we got separated for a long time. I would want to talk to you the first chance I got. And I trust you more than anyone."
The girl paused. She hadn't thought about it like that. Asha had very faint memories of Dahlia because of Magnifico practically destroying any good parts of her childhood. Maybe Dahlia did want to reconnect and she was being harsh? Asha felt selfish for thinking of her as a bad guy off the bat. After all, she trusted Star after one musical number.
Asha went to the first door she saw and carefully opened the door. Inside, some of the kingdom's livestock sleeping soundly inside. Perfect. She gently put Valentino and Star down inside.
"Okay, stay right here and don't make a lot of noise. I'll come back when its safe. Valentino, you're in charge for now.'" Asha instructed.
The goat bleated in confirmation, happy to be in charge.
"How long are you gonna be gone?" Star hesitated.
"Not long. Just stay quiet....It should be easy, now that you're in the right form for it." Asha slyly smirked before closing the door.
"Thank you!" Star beamed, then realized what she said. "Oh...she's getting good at doing that. Hehehe." He chuckled to himself.
Asha sighed in relief. Both of them should be safe in there for time being. As she made her way back to Gabo and Simon, she realized that it was a lot quieter without Star being with her. Normally, Asha preferred when she was by herself (or at the very least, Valentino accompanied her) when she was in the Hamlet. Why did it feel strange without him now?
The girl braced herself as she finally joined the others again in the kitchen. Dahlia looked surprised to see her. "Asha! Where have you been? You had me worried after the royals said you were a criminal!"
"Yeah, I've been called that a lot lately..." Asha sighed. "Look, whatever they told you isn't true."
Dahlia placed a hand on Asha's shoulder. "Of course I know you aren't a criminal. I mean what harm could you possibly do?"
Asha, Gabo and Simon exchanged a nervous glance.
"Heck, Flazino even told me this crazy story that the royals are evil and their basically stealing our souls through the wishes!" She let out a laugh as she adjusted her glasses. "Which reminds me, have any of you seen Flazi today? Its been all morning and he hasn't stopped by once. Poor guy looks he needs some sleep."
"Ha! Like Simon here! Guess you guys are more alike than you thought!" Gabo teased as he lightly jabbed Simon with his elbow.
Simon looked half asleep, so he probably didn't even hear him.
"Yeaaaah...that's something we need to talk to you about." Asha tried to get the conversation back on track. She decided to take a chance and tell her the truth. "That's not a story he was telling."
Dahlia's smile faded away as she took a step back. "....What?"
Back in the coop, Valentino made himself comfortable in a pile of hay nearby.
Mouse!Star however was growing a little restless. It wasn't natural for him to just stay in one place for so long, but he could only scurry for so long in there before boredom hit him. He needed to do something keep himself from worrying about Asha.
"Maybe a mouse wasn't such a good idea. What if that lynx comes in eats us?" Star looked around, now slightly panicked.
The goat bleated in reassurance that they would be fine. He suggested the star turn into something else that doesn't stand out.
Valentino gestured to a nearby rooster preening its feathers. Star took a good look and nodded.
In a bright flash, Star had turned himself into a golden phoenix rooster. It was a lot more flashy than he was supposed to be, but he at least got the animal right.

(Yes, I did pick a golden rooster on purpose)
"See? I can blend in easily! We'll just sit here and wait for Asha and other the others." Star assured the goat with a feathered boop on his snout.
"Baaaah....?" Valentino questioned as he took in a mouth full of hay.
"How could I possibly get in trouble here? I don't even know what chickens do." Star responded as he strutted over to a nice pile of straw and made his own nest.
Valentino rolled his eyes. "Baah, Baaaah!"
"THE EGGS COME FROM WHERE??" Star squawked in horror, rattling the other chickens in the room.
The noise unintentionally startled the once asleep animals, causing a minor commotion amongst the poultry and started to awaken the cows. The chickens noticed these new animals were in their home. Valentino was fine, even though he was a little spooked himself.
But Rooster!Star seemed to attract the most attention, as their fear turned into intrigue.
"Hey, hey. Calm down, I'm just your average glowing rooster." He chuckled nervously as he realized he attracted an audience.
One of the chickens inspected Star for a few seconds, then made a happy cooing noise and nuzzled his feather wings with her head.
"See? Told you it wouldn't be a problem." He suddenly noticed that more of them were beginning to gather near him. "Um, should they all be doing this?"
Valentino began to laugh. "Baaaaahh!!" He could barely hold in his laughter.
"WHAT?! Nonononono!!" Rooster!Star started to flap away from the lovestruck birds. "I'm sorry ladies, but I'm not what you think I am!"
Outside, we see Safi carrying an egg basket, preparing to get his daily egg count. He stops just short of opening the door when he's startled by a loud noise. Safi felt a sneeze coming on, and when he felt a sneeze coming, it meant something bad was about to happen.
The other side of the door sounded like something was upsetting the animals, and whatever it is was very loud.
Safi opened the door and saw Rooster!Star getting pecked in the head mercilessly by another rooster taking residence there. It seemed that it felt threatened by another bird taking his territory and attacked him. Star however, had no idea and kept running around trying to escape.

"What's going on here? Why are two you fighting? AAAACHOO!" Safi questioned as he stopped the rooster from assaulting the star further. He picked up both of them in each hand. "I thought you all were getting-"
"He started it!" Rooster!Star exclaimed as he pointed at the angry bird. "I was trying to get away from the others and....he...attacked..." Star's voice faded once he saw Safi's eyes grow wide as he stared back at him.
"Uh....I mean....Cluck?" Star shrugged and shined his teeth that shouldn't exist in his beak.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Safi screamed as he fell backwards, causing the two roosters clumsily fly out of his hands. "DEMON ROOSTER!" he shouted, scrambling backwards in fear.
"Demon rooster?! Where?" Star exclaimed as he looked at the bird that attacked him earlier. Unfortunately, he believed this was why he went after him.
The two roosters looked atone another sqwaked in horror and flew away from each other.
Poor Safi couldn't run out of there fast enough as he grabbed the egg basket and slammed the door behind him.
All of the noise spooked the animals once again, with Valentino trying his best to calm everyone down, but it was futile. He gave Rooster!Star a sour look. "BAAAAHH!!" he shouted at him.
"Yeah, yeah, I know!" Star crowed and turned back to his human form. "I'm normally good with animals, well except for that lynx. But I don't know how to calm them down!"
"BAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Valentino head butted Star's leg in anger.
"All right, all right!" Star started to rub his knuckle into forehead. "Think! Think! Think!" His eyes popped open. "Oh, I know!"
We cut to Hal walking past the group, carrying a few sacks of oats and whistling when she's stopped by a screaming Safi. "Is everything alright, man?"
Hal looked at her friend with concern. "Safi, you really need stop visiting those chickens so much. You need a new hobby."
Safi tutted. "That's not important! Its yellow, its glowing and it talks! Its scaring the other animals and I'm pretty sure it put a curse on me!" he was on verge of crying.

Asha heard the frantic teen's cries and her eyes widened. He found Star.
"Look, Dahlia, I'd really love to tell you more, but we really need to go!" She pushed Gabo and Simon away as she tried to leave the conversation.

Unfortunately, Dahlia wasn't taking no for an answer. She stubbornly followed the three of them. "Look, I haven't seen you in years and I now you're running away again? I feel like you're avoiding me. Can you just tell me what's going on here?"
"Nope! Sorry! Need to go right now!" Asha was beginning get irritated. The three of them ran forward to the barn door, only to see Safi, Hal and Dario there.
Asha leaped in front of the door. "WAIT, YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE!"
"Where did you guys even come from?" Simon asked scratching his head.
"Safi's freaking out over some evil glowing chicken that's in there. I don't really get it, but I at least want to help a friend out." Hal explained.
"What about the tall guy?"
"I just wanna to see it up close. It sounds to cool to be evil!" Dario answered with a genuinely friendly smile.
Gabo pointed behind them. "Aaaaand.... what about her?"
Everyone turned and saw Bazeema suddenly behind Dario. Needless to say, a few of them were spooked. Safi ended up blushing now that she was there.
"I...um...just didn't...want to...see the poor thing-"
"Girl, would you please speak up?" Gabo sneered.
Asha took the opportunity to try and quickly see Star, but Dahlia finally caught up and grabbed her shoulder.
"What are you hiding, Asha? No more running away." Dahlia pressed on.
Asha groaned. This was getting more ridiculous by the minute.

"You better just tell them about 'you-know-who', Asha. This ain't gonna end well." Gabo replied, looking impatient.
"Well, the more people I tell, the less of a secret it is, Gabo..." Asha hissed. "Look, if I tell you, you all have to keep quiet, got it? A friend of mine is in there, and-"
"Is that what's scaring the animals and making all that noise? It better not be trying to take my chickens from me!" Safi said, raising the egg basket like was he about to bludgeon someone.
"What noises-"
"Like that! AAACHOO!" Safi sneezed. "And it's making my allergies act up!"
"What is he doing in there?!" Gabo exclaimed, looking horribly confused.
🎶This might sink in in the morning🎶 🐮
🎶It's like your own origin story!🎶🐔
"There ya go! Move those hooves! Shake those feathers!" 🌟
"Its sounds like a party in there!" Dario said excitedly.
"There shouldn't be any party!" Asha exclaimed.
"Move aside, Asha!" Gabo marched over to the barn door and kicked it with all his might.
When the door flung open, a cloud of yellow dust and feathers flew out, making Safi sneeze like crazy.

Asha's eyes widened with horror as she finally got a look inside.

The room was bathed in yellow and purple light as Star conducted the animals with his hands. "Now you're getting the hang of it! Altogether now!" He cheered as he floated in the air.
Safi's chicken's were line dancing on both sides of the room.
The cows were line stepping and bopping their heads in tune to the music of "I'm a Star".
A few of the pigs were gliding around the ceiling oinking away.
And Valentino was practically losing his mind as was jumping up and down trying to pull Star down by his cape, but he was out of reach.
🎶Ooh, you're a star!🎶
🎶Watch out, world, here you are (hey, hey)🎶
🎶You know who's lookin' sharp? (Who?)🎶
🎶You! You're a star!🎶
"Oh, sweet cheese and crackers..." Asha shuddered as she covered her eyes in embarrassment.

Star spread his arms wide and yellow sparkles and fireworks shot from his hands as he greeted them with a big grin. He didn't mean to make a big spectacle as Asha asked, but he couldn't help himself.
And it didn't help that the rest of the animals were posed behind him as if they were on a Broadway show with him.
It took a moment to realize what he had done as he looked at Asha with her face buried in her hands. He looked at the unexpected guests and simply said, "Uh....Hi!" 😁
The Teens stared at the star dumbfounded.

(I know this is from the storyboard, BUT THIS WAS WAY FUNNIER AND MORE EXPRESSIVE. I HAD TO USE IT!! 😂)
Hal finally spoke, "Yeeeeaaaahhhh....that's a big secret."
I'M BAAAAAACK! 😃 Its still the holiday season, but I'm still working hard on this story, and I gotta say its fun going back to these guys again! Now that we're slightly over the halfway point, things are gonna start coming together leading to the finale. Like now, we have all teens together as a group! I wanted to lead up to them all meeting each other, but in the most ridiculous way possible. And I confess that the original chicken dance scene was a little funny, just until they started shooting eggs out their asses and it went wrong. So I decided to revamp the scene and turn it into a joke with a purpose. I also wanted to show that Star isn't exactly perfect when it comes to his transformations, and his magical ways with animals has been slightly affected by losing a little bit of his magic. That will come back later, I promise.
AND SAFI SPEAKS! HE ACTUALLY SPEAKS! And it only took 11 chapters for him to have some lines! 😂 Now the tricky part here is to give EVERYONE lines and importance to the story, since everyone is needed for the final battle. As a bonus, I'll be including a lot of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" references now. I genuinely liked the concept itself, I just think the movie missed the chance to have 7-8 characters bounce off each other with banter. They pulled it off 101 years ago, and recently in the 7D, so there's no reason they couldn't have given them better dialogue and purpose besides existing. 😅
It'll be a while before the next chapter, but I hope you enjoy this one! Soon Star and Asha are gonna go through hell soon. (Sorry, guys)
Thanks for reading!
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#rascal entertainments#wish 2023#disney wish#wish reimagined#wish concept art#wish rewrite#wish granted#wish movie#wish granted au#wish asha#wish disney#wish star#wish valentino#wish rewrite fandom#wish au#wish magnifico#wish amaya#wish charo#wish gabo#wish simon#simon o'donohue#wish bazeema#wish hal#wish dario#wish dahlia#wish safi#asha x star#star x asha#starsha#starstruck
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Piled Up!
Redraw from this scene:
#artist on tumblr#the 7d#the 7T au#the 7T dahlia#Dahlia Inteliance#the 7T Simon#simon o'donohue#the 7T Bazeema#Bazeema Peepaboo#The 7T Dario#Dario Lovelock#The 7T Hal#Hal McJoyous#The 7T safi#Safi Coldfever
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"The Seven Teens in Wish don't have much to do in the movie other than being a reference". A criticism that I both agree and disagree with. Like any other Wish criticism, this is one of the few that gets rebuffed if you watch the movie again and payed attention. While i do agree with the issue of a movie having way too many characters, of all the teens, Dahlia, Simon and Gabo are the ones who have the most prominent roles and are tied to movie's themes.

Let's start off with Gabo. While many others dislike him because he's a jerk, there's some merit as to why he's so pessimistic. While I don't like including info from supplementary material like tie-in books, they do have that extra detail that was lacking in the final movie. In A Recipe for Adventure (which will be used a lot in this post), the author speculates that Gabo is a disappointed optimist. Even though we don't have much to work with other from that piece of trivia, when can always think of something to tie him with the film's theme.
Gabo represents the disappointment in a system where few are given benefits over the majority. He always talks about Simon and Sabino's unfulfilling lives because they gave their wishes away and hoping they will be granted, suggesting that he has seen or what it's like to have an unhappy unfulfilling life. He assumes Asha applying for the role of Magnifico's apprentice so that she can have the benefits of having her and her family's wishes; "cheating" her way to get what she wants while the others are left waiting. Him being a "disappointment optimist" suggests that he had high hopes upon moving to Rosas but has seen how long the waited that his hopes are snuffed and has doubts about the system in general.
At the third act of the film, he decides to help Asha and Star free the wishes because Star reignites his hope for a positive future, one where people can live their lives happy and fulfilled.

Dahlia has the most screen time and lines of the teens, so obviously she has more character than the rest of them.
She's noticeably uses a crutch to walk. While Disney could've easily made her story about wanting to walk without her crutch, they chose not to. In Recipe for Adventure, her wish is to become the best baker in the kingdom, to which she has already achieved. She works as a kitchen staff in the castle, home of Rosas' founder and king.
This shows that she doesn't need magic to become the best baker, all she has is the effort to work for her dreams despite having a disability. This ties with the film's moral as well as a positive lesson for people with disabilities to overcome the struggles and achieve their dreams.
Also in the book, she has a grandmother who passed away and was the one who taught her about her passion for baking. Her and Asha meeting as kids and becoming close friends ties back to my previous post about Asha, mainly about her suffering from loss and that she and Dahlia supported each other going through their darkest moment.

Like Dahlia, Simon also has more character than the rest.
Simon was once an active person, loves going outdoors and horseback riding. I suggest the idea that since his wish is to become a knight for the kingdom, he had trained for the position.
After he gave away his wish once he became 18, all that passion was taken away as the once lively and active aspiring knight loses that drive and becomes a husk of what he once was.
There's a saying that Simon's sleepiness resulted from his wish taken away is reminiscent of depression, which I agree. Simon's joy and dream was to become a knight and help defend his people. When that joy was taken away and his dream unfulfilled, he feels he has no purpose.
Him ratting Asha out of his selfish desire to have his wish be finally granted may be stemmed from his desperation to get rid of the emptiness he has felt. Like how people with depression use "means" to feel that joy they craved which resulted in paying the price out of their own health; ie his mind being controlled by Magnifico and their friends and family's concerns; betraying his friends.
After Magnifico's defeat and Simon is out of his spell, he apologizes for betraying Asha, with his reasons that he "wanted to believe in Magnifico." This brings out a dark aspect of Magnifico's wish system, he takes away people's joy, making them feel desperate to beg to him that they'll do anything for him to feel that joy again.
Simon's story may be applicable to people who have achieve their dream job out of their selfish desire to achieve it, like leaving their friends and family behind in order to get it. But once said dreams have strings attached, like working for a corrupted system that only hired you until you're "replaceable", you take it all back and feel disappointed for trusting all your hopes and dreams to an unfair system.
While the rest of the teens don't have the same character put in like Dahlia, Simon and Gabo, I feel like giving them their own arcs would have cluttered an already cluttered movie.
Wish has problems, but those problems aren't fixable by adding in things like an alien love interest and an influencer couple. Wish's issues is that the creators didn't put in the extra push it needed, hence why it feels "not enough".
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Wishes to Reality
Chapter 5: the Madness of Magnifico
Prologue | Last chapter | Next chapter
Author’s note: Sorry that it took us this long, my co-writer and I have been really busy. Hold on tight everyone! This is a BIG chapter! Just want everyone to know that the song’s lyrics are going to be bold and italic. Some lyrics are color coded: Magnifico’s singing is green. Also, "This is the thanks that I Get" has been changed a lot, there are some parts that are the same but big changes. It’s light and up beat at first but then gets a bit darker as it goes. Also (again) (a reminder) the orbs are in different colors (unlike in the movie) that represent their ages; purple for the young ones (18-29), green for those middle-aged (30-59), and the iconic blue color for the elderly-age (60+).
Notice/warnings: shouting/yelling, anxiety/fear, CAPs, drinks(water and tea), dark magic, crying
Everyone, the entire city and town got it around talking about what was going on.
“What's going on?” a few people asked each other.
“What's this meeting all about?” one person asked a group who only shrugged.
The group looked worried about the situation.
“This is getting scary.” Bazeema said, worried.
“Yeah I'm getting a bad feeling about this.” Hal said.
Then Dahlia walked over to them. “Hey.” she said when she got to them.
“Did you get Asha to the study?” Sofi asked in a whisper.
Dahlia nodded.
“And Sam?” Simon asked.
“She’s going to the study too. Star made her invisibility cloak so she doesn’t get caught.” Dahlia whispered
The six friends hummed and nodded.
Then everyone started to quiet down and looked at the stage when Magnifico and Amaya came onto the stage with several security guards in the background.
Magnifico began stepping up front center stage, looking at everyone. “Hello, Rosas.” the mayor said to the crowd in a loud voice.
Everyone finally quieted down as they looked at Magnifico.
“As you all saw from last night, a strange shooting star flew over our city.” Magnifico said into the microphone. “From all that I have heard of people talking about what they felt when the light flew over. A feeling of light, warmth, comfort, and love.”
Everyone nodded and some cheered.
“I know that most of you think that I summoned the light but I didn’t. And that means, it’s a bad sign.” Magnifico added. “There's a trader here, who summoned that light.”
The people were confused and got scared by that while Dahlia, Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, Dario, and Simon started to get worried.
“Hope they're ok in there.” Bazeema whispered worriedly.
Samantha was running and huffing up the stairs but not to make any more sounds but was surprisingly comfortable. The shoes that were left actually had extra memory foam probably added in the soles thanks to Star’s unexpected gift to her.
She took a deep breath after all that walking, though she did exercise often, she couldn't help but wonder of the long stairs she had to take well even.
She finally got to the study.
Samantha entered the study/office and looked around as she took the hood off her head, making her visible again.
The little bell by the dumbwaiter elevator rang.
She knew that was her cue.
Samantha quickly went to the dumbwaiter elevator and opened it to see Asha, Valentino, and Star.
“Sam!” Asha exclaimed when the dumbwaiter elevator door opened.
“Asha, you made it!” Samantha exclaimed, helping Asha and Valentino out of the dumbwaiter elevator as Star flew out.
Star accidentally sprinkled the star dust all over the study causing a magnifying glass to use the sunlight on some papers on the desk, making a small fire.
“Oh, no no no no no no!” Asha exclaimed worriedly, looking around to find something to put the fire out.
“What have you done!?” Sam shouted at Star, trying to find a fire extinguisher anywhere.
Asha found a fire extinguisher and started to put out the fire as Sam had to quickly send in a text to Dilha of the emergency.
The smoke was so big that it began coming up from the roof of the study, which was immediately spotted by Dahlia. Then her phone buzzed and she looked at the text from Samantha.
[Dhila!! There's a fire but we got it under control, also Asha got in, You just saw the smoke right? If the mayor is about to get back inside, STALL HIM! You gotta think something quick and fast!]
Dahlia texted a quick thumbs up emoji to say ‘got it’.
As she put her phone away and looked back up, Dahlia noticed that Magnifico and Amaya just turned around and were about to get off stage. Without a second thought, Dahlia took in a deep quick breath and shouted, “Magnifico! Wait!”
It stopped Magnifico and Amaya and turned around again as everyone looked at Dahlia.
Magnifico turned around and walked back to the front center of the stage again. “Yes?” Magnifico asked, looking at Dahlia.
Dahlia chuckled nervously before clearing her throat. “I have a few questions.”
Magnifico signaled a guard to get Dahlia as he said, “Sure thing but make it quick I got to get back inside.”
The guard got Dahlia and got her on to the stage.
“Well…” Dahlia started, thinking of a way to stall. “Umm… hi! You know me as Dahlia, one of the main chefs of your famous cookies-”
“Don’t forget Magic Love!” Dario shouted from the crowd.
Everyone looks at Dario for a moment before looking back at the stage to see a red embarrassed Dahlia.
That was her nickname back in the start of high school years due to her start of her crush on the mayor.
Magnifico looked at her with a deadpan look, like this didn’t faze him too much. “Ok, Dahlia. What are your questions?” he asked, looking back at Dahlia.
The young woman stares at the mayor in panic before taking in a breath to calm down and clear her throat. “You said that you need our help finding the person.” Dahlia started with a smile. “You also said if we had any information on last night but one problem. Is there a way you can say it in a more specific matter, as in what quantifies for the matter? Evidently? How about circumstantial? First hand knowledge? Second hand knowledge?”
“What about hunches?” a voice from the crowd asked.
“Oh! Yes!” Dahlia said to the person before looking at the mayor again. “What about hunches?”
“Ok! Yes!… Any questions would do, please ask away.” Magnifico said, trying to be calm. “Please ask for any information about who commanded the light! That would most definitely be helpful.”
Then another person raised a hand and asked, “You said that the magic was amateur magic but how don’t you know how they did it?”
“Well um…its-” Magnifico started, trying to think of something to answer. He was cut off as the citizens started asking more questions.
“Maybe you could define amateur?” one person said.
“This is all that you know!” Magnifico started, his voice almost becoming loud. But he took in a breath, calming down, and said with a smile, “It’s about your safety and most importantly the safety of your wishes.”
“Why do you mean the wishes are safe if you don't know how it works or how it was done in the first place?” another person asked.
“Do you mean our wishes aren’t safe?” Simon asked out loud, worriedly.
That made everyone gasp worriedly.
“Of course they’re safe!” Dahlia reassured everyone.
The mayor was trying to think of what to answer as more questions were being thrown at him.
Samantha tried to use the fire extinguisher while Asha grabbed a pitcher of water and tossed it onto the fire, putting out the fire.
When the fire was put out, the desk and some papers were ruined by the fire.
Asha panted a bit as she looked at the small fire mess. “I hope those weren’t important.” she said.
“Yeah. Anyway I got to fix up this mess to where it was before you mess it up.” Samantha said, glaring at Star, who was now hiding behind Asha.
Samantha began trying to grab the papers and put them in the drawer and put things back in place while Asha, Star, and Valentino went to the black mirror doors.
“Ok, these are doors. We need to open the doors.” Asha said to Star, looking at the doors. “I do remember that he waved his hand to open the door but to be honest I don't know how he gets the door to open.”
Star nodded and moved a star hand, like what Magnifico did when he first showed her the wishes.
The black mirror doors opened.
“Oh wow!” Asha exclaimed as the doors opened. She looked at Star as the three went into the lab.
“How did you know how to do that?” she asked Star, who just turned around to close the doors as some of the wishes lowered down to them.
Star didn’t give an answer as it just closed the mirror doors.
There was an angry look on Star’s face as it turned around. But then the angry look turned into a wonder look when seeing the wishes and flew up to the wishes.
The wishes looked the same and were about the same amount since last time Asha saw them.
However, with the color coded ones it might have been easier to find, but what a lot of wishes that were made over the years. It could be harder to find the right ones.
“Alright, Star.” Asha said, getting Star’s attention. Star flew back to her as she continued, “We need to find my mom and Saba’s wishes. We just need to find the right colors first.”
Star nodded and then flew to three orbs, one purple, one green, and one blue.
Star touched each one, showing each wish.
The purple wish showed a young man on a rocket, reaching to the stars.
The green wish showed a woman dancing ballet so beautifully that it looks like magic with color all over.
The blue wish showed an elderly man being some sort of muscular guy.
Star giggled when seeing the blue wish and imitated the man, shapeshifting some muscles on it’s small star body. That made Star giggle more and went back to normal star form as it stopped imitating.
“Okay, Star. Come here.” Asha chuckled and waved to get Star’s attention.
Star looked at her and flew back down to her as the young woman got her sketchbook out. “Alright. We need to find the green and blue wish orbs that have my mom and Saba’s wishes.” Asha said to Star, showing the drawing page of Sakina and Saba Sabino.
The little star nodded and flew up to the other wishes that were high up while Asha looked at the other wishes that floated near her.
The questions that the people were asking started to push it for Magnifico.
“How do we know our wishes are safe?” one male asked.
“Why can't we see our wishes?” a female asked.
“Yeah, why can’t we see our wishes? Why is that a rule?” another male asked.
“And why can't we remember them?” another female asked.
“One question at a time.” Dahlia said to the crowd. She noticed that Magnifico was getting mad.
“Since we are asking, what if we want to change our wishes? I mean wishes can change as we get older. Right?” a voice from the crowd said.
“Yeah!” a few voices agreed.
Eventually it reached almost a breaking point for Magnifico as more and more
A person called out, “Remember that you granted 14 wishes last year! What was that all about?”
“Because two of the people didn’t react well without them.” Magnifico answered as if it would just summarize it while trying to be calm.
“A lot of us aren't doing well without our wishes!” another person shouted.
“Yeah!” A few people in the crowd shouted, including Simon.
Magnifico’s breathing became heavy and quick as he tried to calm himself down. Amaya and Dahlia noticed the heavy and quick breathing.
“You know what? There should be a reward!” a man shouted.
“Maybe we can do another wish ceremony!” a woman shouted.
That got a big agreement and cheers from everyone in the crowd.
Soon, the crowd started to chat “Wish! Wish! Wish! Wish! WISH-!”
The questions from the citizens started to get too much for Magnifico.
“SILENCE!” Magnifico shouted, putting his hands up and his eyes started to glow green.
This made the questions stop.
The crowd stares at the mayor in shock and in fear.
After taking a few breathings, Magnifico’s eyes went back to normal as he started to calm down and straightened himself up a bit.
“Is that all?” Magnifico asked the crowd, slicking back his hair as he looked at everyone. “You all want a wish ceremony? Hm?”
Everyone was still but slowly started to nod.
Magnifico hummed and nodded, still taking in a few breaths. “Alright, fine.” Magnifico said loud and clear. “Who EVER finds the traitor or traitors, will have their wish granted.”
The crowd started to cheer but was cut off when Magnifico raised his hand to quiet them.
“BUT, whoever is found working with the traitor or traitors, whether by lying or hiding them,” Magnifico added with a growl, pointing at the crowd as if to give a warning, “then your wish will NEVER be granted!”
That made everyone in the crowd gasp.
Magnifico looked at everyone in the crowd before saying, “This meeting is now over!”
The mayor turned around to leave as Dahlia started to shout, “But, Magnif-!”
Magnifico quickly turned around and gave an ice cold glare at the young woman.
If glares could kill, Dahlia would be dead on the spot as soon after Magnifico turned around to look at her.
“No more questions.” he growled in a low voice, his eyes started to glow green again for a moment before going back to normal.
Then Magnifico went off stage with Amaya running after him.
Dahlia was shaken up by what just happened as one of the guards helped her get off stage.
She had never seen the mayor this angry, not to mention his eyes turning green.
The six friends rush to her to see if she’s ok as the guard helped her get on the main ground.
“Dahlia, you ok?” Sofi asked worriedly.
Dahlia could just stare at her friends as the guard who helped her off the stage went to the other guards and went to their shift spots.
“I… I don’t know…” Dahlia finally said, looking at the friends. “Shocked? I guess?”
The six friends look at her, worriedly.
“Let’s get you some water.” Beezma said softly.
Dahlia nodded slowly.
The seven friends slowly went to the kitchen.
Dahlia got her phone out as they went.
Dahlia quickly texted Samantha: [He's coming! Did you guys get the wish yet? If not, abort the mission and hurry out of here! ASAP! We'll meet at the kitchen as fast as we can]
Samantha immediately texted back: [What?! Don't worry, We are at the study. The only problem is that we are still finding it. Also, Star closed the door on me, so I don’t know if they found it or not yet. I’ll let Asha know.]
Dahlia stares at the text before putting her phone away while she continues to walk with her friends.
The seven friends got to the kitchen after a few minutes.
Dahlia sat down on one of the chairs near one of the kitchen tables. She was still shaken up from what happened on the stage.
“Want ice with water or just water?” Hal asked, looking at her as she went to get a cup of water.
Dahlia nodded a yes as she checked her phone to check for a response.
Samantha texted: [Just told Asha what you told me.]
Dahlia stares at the text before giving a thumbs up emoji to say ‘got it’.
She put her phone away as Hal walked over with the cup of water with ice cubes while holding a coaster. “Here you go.” Hal said, placing the coaster on the table before putting the cup on top of it.
“Thank you…” Dahlia said softly, picking up the cup and starting to drink.
Dahlia starts to calm down as she drinks the water. She put the cup on the coaster when she was done drinking it.
She looked at Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, and Dario, who looked worried at her.
“Feeling better?” Sofi asked.
Dahlia nodded. “Yes… Thank you… ”
The five friends nodded, starting to smile softly.
Dahlia sighed and rubbed her forehead. “I feel like an idiot for liking him when younger…”
“You were 14 at the time. So, sometimes teens can have strange crushes. A lot of people wouldn’t blame you for having a crush on him.” Dario said, shrugging. “Also, you didn’t know that the mayor could do, well, that. No one did.”
Dahlia looked at him and laughed softly for a moment, starting to feel better. Then she looked at Simon, which got the others to look at the big man.
Simon looked distracted and worried.
The rest look at each other before looking at Simon again.
“Simon, are you okay?” Bazeema asked worriedly. “This isn't about the whole…. questioning thing.”
Simon looked at the six friends, worried in his eyes. “You all heard what he said, right?” he said, his voice filled with worry, before quoting, “‘Your wish will NEVER be granted if you help the traitor’… ”
“Look, we can't betray Asha.” Dahlia said, trying to sound reasonable to him. “She's our friend.”
“Also, Star is friendly and cute.” Dario said “And with what Asha told us earlier, Star grants wishes, big and small.”
“Yeah. I’m starting to see that Star is better than Magnifico after what just happened.” Gabo said, nodding as he crossed his arms across his chest.
The others nodded in agreement while Simon just stares at them.
“N…No… You don’t understand.” Simon said, shaking his head.
That got the six friends’ attention as Simon tried to be calm while explaining, “Ever since I gave my wish, I… I didn't feel like myself… like you mentioned, Gabo… But… I thought this whole time that Sam was going though what I was feeling… the emptiness… But, as it turns out, she found a way by making something and was able to KEEP her wish while giving a fake one! Without telling me!”
“Look, I’m sure that Sam was planning to tell you the truth when the time was right… but… with all what’s going right now, it was not good timing…” Dahlia said, started to get hesitant at the end when she realized what she’s saying to Simon.
Simon looked at his friends in disbelief before looking at himself. “I just want to be whole again… I want to feel real, again… I want to be me again…” Simon said, looking at his hands.
Dario starts to walk to him to comfort him. “We know that. But you need to wait-” he started but was cut off by Simon angrily saying “I’ve been waiting! I am tired of waiting! I am tired of being tired all the time! I am tired of being a husk of myself!”
That made Dario to back away from Simon and run back to the group, hiding behind them.
The group looked at Dario before looking at Simon, who was walking to them now.
Hal, Sofi, Bazeema, and Gabo start to get scared and start to hide with Dario by just hiding behind Dahlia.
Dahlia took in a breath to be calm and try to commutate with Simon.
“We understand, Simon, But-” Dahlia started but was cut off as Simon quickly swiped his arm, knocking the cup off the table and hitting the floor, shattering it into hundreds of glass shards.
“NO! YOU ALL DON’T GET IT!” Simon shouted at the six friends, pointing at them. “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO NOT HAVE A WISH!”
The six friends stare at Simon in fear.
Simon looked like a tired angry monster in human form.
“S-Simon…” Dahlia stuttered, still trying to communicate with him as she raised her hands to calm him down.
“WHAT?!” Simon shouted at her.
“You need to calm down.” Dahlia said in a loud voice.
That got Simon back to reality as he looked down at them, realizing that he’s scaring them.
“I… Sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Simon said, backing away from them.
The six friends stared at Simon as the big young man looked down and took in some deep breaths to calm down.
When Simon calmed down, looked at the six again. “You all don’t know what it's like… to be me… what it feels like… without my wish, I’m just… empty…” he said, his voice almost cracking as he was close to crying. Then Simon cleared his throat. “Now, I’m going to find a place to nap…”
“Simon…” Hal tried to reach out but Simon walked to the door.
“Just... Don’t…” the big man said to them as he closed the door.
After Simon left, Dahlia, Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, and Dario looked at each other as they felt a mix of concern and worry for what’s going to happen.
They started to clean up the mess that was made.
Magnifico growled as he slammed the doors open to one of the staircases while Amaya followed after him.
The windows in this stairwell were made black glass, almost like mirrors while looking out.
“How brazenly they question me!” he growled angrily, looking at his wife for a moment before starting to go up the stairs.
“They only question you because you make them feel safe enough to do so.” Amaya started to say, trying to calm down her husband as she continued to follow him.
Magnifico stopped and looked angrily at Amaya, which made the assistant mayor stop in her tracks.
“I’ll be with the wishes.” Magnifico growled at her. Then he started to go up the stairs again as he continued, “Distrib me with nothing but good news.”
Amaya stares at him for a moment before she goes down the steps and leaves to do some work, closing the doors as she did so.
Magnifico started to go up the stairs again as looked at his reflection in the black glass windows, growling for a moment before singing, “I can't help it… But I see the way… It’s so pathetic! You don’t know what I’ve been through!”
Magnifico looked at the stairwell ceiling, which was covered in star consultations, as he went up to the next floor and went into the conference room.
“Hear my name, I'm magnificent! I put the "I" in ‘omnipotent’!” Magnifico continued as he entered the conference room.
“I'm passionate but I'm not petulant!”
He was playing around posing in each of the clear vases like there were circus mirrors before going to the diorama of the city, breaking one of the vases and making it disappear with his magic in the process.
“Someone praise me for my benevolence!”
Then he stopped messing around and chuckled awkwardly. “Uh… just look, ha-ha…” he said, using some of his magic to show the good that he’s done as he summoned little magic wooden dolls to the diorama.
“I’ve created the perfect life, that you ever need.”
Magnifico points at one of the many different food stores and bakeries of the diorama before pointing at homes of the city, to give his point to the magic dolls.
The first part of the town gives it an almost glamor version causing the town to be in awe while one of the magic dolls tries to see the outside only for it to cast as black mist all over the wall as if it was a dark place on the outskirts of Rosas.
That made the doll run back to the others, to safety.
“I'd be the first one to protect what I’ve built! If our home starts to crumble or be in trouble.”
Magnifico noticed the shadow that was on the outskirts of diorama Rosas after seeing the magic doll run back to the group.
Magnifico starts to use his magic to attack the mist, making it distaper.
The small magic dolls cheered when the ‘threat’ was defeated.
Magnifico looked at the dolls as he pushed some hair back out of his face, smiling a bit at them.
“I let you live here for free, your wish is the payment."
Magnifico started to frown as he looked at the magic dolls before he looked at the spin plate that held up the diorama.
Then the mayor spun the spin plate, which threw all of the magic dolls to the ground. The magic dolls screamed as they flew in the air before hitting the floor, distapering when making impact on the ground as if they were never there.
Magnifico left the conference room and went down a hall to get to the next staircase to get to his study.
The hall was lined up with sets of armor, all standing attention.
Magnifico started to get bored and looked at the armors before starting to use his magic on them.
The armors got off their stands and had their hands out to him, as if begging him or wanting something from him.
“I’ve cleaned up all your messes and I’ve helped you with all that I can!”
The mayor smiled and started giving the armors the cookies that Dahlia gave to him earlier.
“I’ve given you all what you needed! I thought you would be content…”
Magnifico was about to leave the hall, one of the armors caught him by the leg which stopped him from leaving. The mayor looked at the armor before looking at the rest of the armors that were about to follow, as if begging him for more.
“And all I really want is just a little respect…”
Then he sighed before kicking the armor’s helmet to force it to let him go, which knocked the other armors down as he growled, “And this is the thanks I get?”
Magnifico backed away from the mess that he made before he started to run to the next staircase.
“This is the thanks I get? And this is the thanks I get? And this is the thanks I get?”
He continued to dance and run up the stairs around and tell, until he made it to the study.
Samantha was outside now of the study, being on guard. She just finished cleaning up the mess a bit ago.
Samantha spotted the mayor in shock. She tried to text Asha as fast as she could before he could even come but she knew it's going to be risky for him to find out.
So she rushed down the hall and quickly texted Asha: [He’s coming! I will meet you back in the kitchen. You have to hurry if you don’t want to get caught!]
Asha heard her phone buzzing and pulled it out to see that it was Samantha’s message.
She quickly read the text and messaged: [Got it! We’ll meet you in the kitchen.]
Star tapped and looked at the different wishes, trying to find either Sabino or Sakina’s wishes.
Then it tapped on one wish and found Sabino’s wish!
Star pointed at it excitedly and grabbed it.
Asha gasped happily when seeing that her Saba’s wish was found. She motions Star to come back down with the wish.
Star quickly flew down with the wish and gave it to her.
Asha smiles when holding the wish again.
All the wishes in the air went up to the ceiling as if they knew danger was close and was coming in soon.
The young woman noticed and quickly put the wish in her backpack. “Hide. We need to hide.” she whispered to her goat and Star.
Asha, Valentino, and Star quickly hid behind the science table. Then the three jumped as they heard Magnifico slammed the study door open.
The mayor growled as he started to go to the lab mirror doors. He was about to raise his hand to open but one of his reflections in the black mirror started to say, "You're so brilliant."
It was like the mayor was trying to help himself up with his reflections.
It was starting to work.
Magnifico couldn’t help but chuckle and smile as he looked at his other reflections of the black mirrors.
“Ah, that's the least you could say.” Magnifico said to reflections in the black mirror. “There's more, admit it.”
And then the different black mirror reflections began to respond with; "You're cute”, “and strong”, “and bold”, “and brave!"
Even if it was by magic, Magnifico starts to feel better by the words. “Thanks!” he said to his different reflections before raising his hand.
Magnifico flick his wrist and open the mirror doors, going into the lab.
“See this city? I built it up! And you still complain? You petty much?!”
Magnifico glared at the wishes as if he was actually talking to the people with what’s really on his mind.
“Well, you shouldn’t complain but yet you are? I'd love to see you try and do my job!”
Magnifico uses his magic to pull the wishes that were still floating in the air down, forcing them to be near him.
Magnifico forced all the wishes to begin circling around him as he looked at them, like they might show the answer who the trader is.
“Remember, I’ve kept you safe for however long you've been here! And now you're questioning your mayor? The disrespect I just underwent! You know I always got your back!”
Then Magnifico grabbed two wishes from the circle, a purple orb and green turning blue orb.
The green turning blue orb look was someone who came OUTSIDE of Rosas and the purple was someone who was born IN Rosas.
Both wish owners looked at Magnifico in fear as the mayor said to them, “Yeah, I’ve done a lot for you all! Ever since the day you arrived and the day of your first breath.”
Then the mayor forces the wishes to go around him fast as he tosses the two wishes back into the flow of the circle, growling, “And this is the thanks I get?”
Asha saw this happening with big eyes. She knew it was time to get out of there.
The young woman begins trying to crawl out of the lab to get to the dumbwaiter with Valentino and Star, staying out of the mayor’s sight.
Magnifico continues to force the wishes to spin fast around him as he grabs a couple of wishes, looks at them for a moment, before throwing them back in the circle of spinning wishes.
“This is the thanks I get? And this is the thanks I get? And this is the thanks I get?”
Then Magnifico looked at the glass case that held the forbidden book, like he was in a trance. He raised his hand to stop the circling orbs and sent them back up to the ceiling as he walked to the case.
Asha noticed the mayor’s shadow walking out of the lab. She and Valentino start to hide under the Mayor’s desk but then she noticed that Star was not hiding with them. She quickly looks around to find Star grabbing something.
Asha quickly grabs the star (and the thing Star grabbed) and goes back to the hiding spot just in time before the mayor sees them.
Magnifico flick his wrist, closing the black mirrors as he got the book out of the case and took it to his desk.
“I didn't wanna do this… I swore I'd never do this! But I'm hypnotized by how these pages flip 'cause I refuse to have my power stripped!”
The mayor opened the book and let his magic flip through the pages before stopping on one page.
“A potion, a spell, a summon, a curse?” Magnifico asked out loud, looking at his hands that were now glowing. Then he raised his hands up as a swarm of green magic appeared as an infinitely sign as Magnifico shouted with a growl, “Anything to make that light reverse! To this book, I don't wanna be tethered, but desperate times call for desperate measures!”
Then Magnifico put his hands down, making the magic fade away as he shook for a moment like he was cold before saying, “Where was I? Oh, yeah…”
Magnifico summoned the same magic wooden dolls on the desk.
The wooden dolls looked confused as they looked at the mayor, who was looking down at them.
“There’s a traitor in this town but yet I still remain unbent…” Magnifico growled, slapping the dolls off the desk which made them disappear like they were never there. “Come on now… I promise I won’t be mad! I'm sure it's all just an accident!”
Asha (still holding Star and the thing it grabbed close) and Valentino stayed quiet as they hid under the desk.
The mayor went and opened his balcony door and looked down at the citizens, who were talking and spreading rumors about who could be the mysterious person who made a wish.
“Well, whoever finds them first, now that's a wish well spent.” the mayor said to himself. Then Magnifico went back inside and closed the doors as he added, “Honestly, keeping you safe should be worth every cent.”
Then Magnifico summoned more magic dolls on the floor and started to attack them.
“And this is the thanks I get? This is the thanks I get?!”
The young woman saw that now was the chance to get out of there. Asha, while still holding both Star and what it held close, and Valentino went to the dumbwaiter. But before she closed the door, she watched, with Valentino and Star, the whole madness of Magnifico in fear.
“And this is the thanks I get? This is the thanks I get?” Magnifico growled as he continued to attack the magic dolls, like if he were an angry god. Then Magnifico growls and stomps on the last magic doll as he shouts, “OH THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!”
Magnifico panted heavily along with close up his reflections on the black mirrors while ‘I get?!’ echoed in the room for a while.
Asha and Valentino look at the mayor in fear while Star glared at Magnifico as Asha quietly closed the door of the dumbwaiter.
Asha and Valentino sigh in relief as the dumbwaiter lowered down to the kitchen.
As they went down, the young woman had the same thought that just ran inside her head. ‘WHAT is he?’ Asha thought worriedly as she held Star and Valentino close to her, along holding her bag close.
Magnifico panted as he calmed down and looked at the book, a dark smile on his face while his eyes glowed green.
“Come on now. Let’s go.” he said to the book, pushing his hair back with his free hand as his eyes went back to normal. With the flick of his wrist, a hole in the center of the floor of the study opened up. In the hole was a spiral staircase that went down.
Magnifico went down the hidden staircase.
With a flick of his wrist, torches were lit to see as the mayor went down.
At the bottom of the spiral staircase was another lab but it was darker and made of stone, very different from the one that held the wishes.
Magnifico went to the desk and placed the book on a book holder.
“I will not stop with what I started.” the mayor said to himself with a growl.
Then he looked at the painting of the couple and a little boy hanging on the wall.
It was the portrait of him, his wife, and a child who was scribbled around the face with a black and red markers against the glass as if the child was not important and should be forgotten.
“Let’s get to work.” Magnifico said to the book as he got some of the science instruments on and working by his magic.
Dahlia, Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, and Dario were still in the kitchen, working nervously and hoping that everything was ok.
Asha got the dumbwaiter elevator back to the kitchen and she knocked on the door to get everyone’s attention.
Dahlia quickly went to it and opened the door so the three could get out as Samantha came into the kitchen.
“Asha!” the seven exclaimed, happy to see her safe.
Samantha, Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, and Dario rushed to her as Dahlia helped Asha and Valentino out of the dumbwaiter while Star (who was still holding the thing) flew out of the small elevator.
“Asha! Oh thank God! It was a close call. Come on, did you get the wish?” Samantha asked as the three got out.
“Yes.” Asha said, getting the wish out of the backpack and showing them the wish orb.
All eight of the teens looked at the wish orb in wonder as if they were kids again.
“Whoa�� your grandfather’s wish… it looks amazing.” Samantha said while looking at the orb.
Asha nodded and put the wish back in her bag.
“So… was everything ok when getting it?” Dahlia asked worriedly.
“Yeah…” Asha said worriedly. “We got the wish but we saw Magnifico acting… weird? Very weird.”
“What do you mean by that?” Hal asked, confused.
“Well… he acted… unhuman.” Asha said, rubbing her hands together as she tried to process what she saw in the study.
“Unhuman?” Bazeema asked after a while of being quiet, startling everyone.
Asha looked at Valentino and Star before looking at the others again. “As we got in the dumbwaiter and was about to get out of there, he summed up these little dolls and he acted like… like an angry god to them as he destroyed them bit by bit.” Asha explained, a scared look on her face.
The teens started to get worry on their faces.
“What else did he do?” Hal asked, sounding worried.
“He shouted… “this is the thanks I get?!” as he stomped the last doll, destroying it while the glass mirror door just showed a close up of his crazed state.” Asha added. “Also, he was holding the forbidden book… maybe that’s what’s making him go crazy?”
“Now that you mentioned, I did hear a bit of singing and doing some magic while I was keeping guard as you were getting the wish.” Samantha said, looking at Asha.
Asha nodded.
“I have a theory!” Dario said with full confidence. “Magnifico is an alien!”
The seven friends look at Dario in confusion.
“Really? Aliens, Dario?” Gabo asked flatly, “Seriously? All you can think of out of all things is that?”
Dario looked at him and shrugged.
Before anyone could say anything more, Samantha looked around and asked, “Hey, where’s Simon?”
“He isn't here.” Gabo answered, looking at Samantha.
“Well, he was but…” Sofi started, sounding scared. “He…”
“What happened?” Asha asked, looking at the six. “Is it from the whole ‘Sam keeping her wish a secret’ thing?”
The six friends were worried and scared. Then they slowly nodded.
“Along with what happened at the meeting.” Hal said, nervously.
Asha looked at them worriedly while Samantha felt guilty for what she had done months ago.
“Look, I didn't even mean To be selfish but I didn't even want My brother to feel sad or in fear if the mayor found out that I didn't give up my wish… I should go find my brother and-” Samantha started but was interrupted by the six friends shouting in fear, “NO!”
Samantha and Asha jumped and looked at them.
“You should have seen him! He was a monster!” Gabo exclaimed worrily, grabbing Samantha’s cloak.
“He broke one of the cups!” Hal said, pointing at the trash that held the broken shards of glass. “He’s not the same…”
“A monster that I didn't know…” Samantha mumbled under her breath. “But he’s still my brother…”
The friends heard what she said and just stared at Samantha.
The guard felt eyes on her and looked at them, taking in a breath.
“Ok… but for now we just have to keep ourselves together and act natural. We have a star here and a wish. We can't risk getting anyone in danger.” Samantha said, looking at everyone.
Everyone began to agree, nodding.
Then everyone looks at Star.
Star was still holding the thing, holding it close as if it was important to it.
“What is that?” Gabo asked, tilting his head to the side.
“I’m not sure. Star could come down and show us, please?” Asha asked Star.
Star looked at everyone and flew down to them, showing them what it grabbed from the study.
It was a music box.
“Oh! It’s a music box.” Asha said, smiling softly.
Star nodded and put it on the table, so everyone could look at it better.
The music box was somewhat like before, it was a small music box that could fit in a hand palm of a grown up and the wood is painted like the night sky.
“Oh! It’s pretty!” Bazeema said.
“It does!” Valentino said, hopping onto one of the chairs so he could see it better.
Star held up two of it’s star hands as if to say ‘hold on’ before opening the lid of the music box.
When it was opened, it revealed a family on a sunlight platform. The man figure was holding the woman figure, who was holding a baby wrapped in a light blue blanket. Along with two other children, around 2 and 4 years old, cuddles around the parents. They all had a warm smile.
Star turns the key of the box and the familiar lullaby tone; ‘At All Cost’. The figures started to spin and turn around as the music played.
Star smiles and starts spinning around happily in the air.
The gang smiled as they looked at Star. Then they all jumped when hearing someone walking nearby.
Asha gasped and she quickly closed the lid of the music box (making it stop) and grabbed Star. Then she put both Star and the music box in her bag just as the door to the kitchen opened.
The person that walked into the kitchen was Amaya.
“Amaya!” the gang exclaimed, bowing to her.
Amaya raised her hand, shaking her head and said, “No need to do that.”
The eight friends stopped bowing to her and stood up right.
“What's going on, madam?” Sam asked, trying to act professionally as possible
Amaya looked at the guard and said, “Samantha, Magnifico wants to talk with you.”
The friends start to get worried by that as Samantha raises an eyebrow. “What? Why?”
“I do not know.” Amaya said, shaking her head. “All that I know is that he wants to talk to you about something.”
Samantha hummed and nodded slowly. “Okay… I guess he’ll want tea as we talk?”
“That’s fine as long as you meet him within the hour.” Amaya said to her.
“Got it.”
The assistant mayor hummed and then looked at Dahlia. “Are you alright?” she asked.
“I’m doing better.” Dahlia reassured, nodding.
Amaya nodded. “Ok. I hope you all have a great evening.”
Then the assistant mayor turned around and left the kitchen.
Soon after Amaya left, all of the eight friends sighed.
“Ok. We gotta get you three out of here.” Dahlia said to Asha, looking at her along with the goat and star (who just got out of the bag).
Star flew to Samantha and tapped her cloak, turning it back to her original coat.
Asha nodded. ‘Maybe it's time to explain the whole thing to Mom and Saba Sabo.’ she thought as she started to leave with Star and Valentino as their friends helped them out.
After Asha, Valentino, and Star left, the seven friends were finishing their work in the kitchen.
Samantha was working on the tea that she was planning on bringing to the mayor. She just made the tea and looked at what she should do.
She noticed the bottle of sleeping medicine in the cabinet.
‘I should take this, just in case.’ she thought as she got the sleeping medic off the shelf.
She began getting to work on the tea and mixing the medicine in it. Samantha noticed that there was a smell that gave away that there’s medicine. So, to hide it, she thought of covering up with some mint leaves.
‘That should do.’ she thought as she put the tea cups on the tray.
Then she picked up the tray and went to the study.
As she left, the six friends watched her leave the kitchen, worried on their faces.
Samantha felt her heart beat fast in her chest as she went up the stairs to the study.
She looked at the study door before knocking and opening the door. Samantha looks around carefully as she walks in the study with the tray tea in her hands finding where Magnifico could be.
“Hello?” Samantha called out.
“Ah! Samantha!” Magnifico exclaimed, standing in front of the black mirror doors. “I’m glad that you could come to my request on short notice.”
“Hey… I thought I'd come here. Unannounced to give you some tea. I know you like it very warm.”
Magnifico walked over to her and looked at it with a smile. “Oh! Thank you very much.” he said, looking at Samantha.
“I did at a surprise for you in the tea, it's a secret.” She added, placing the tea on a table. “Just some mint leaves and something new sweetener.”
Magnifico nodded with a hum. “Do you want some tea? Since you got two cups.”
Samantha looks at the mayor unsurely, trying to stay calm. “Um… You requested that I have a cup of tea with you…”
“Oh, right! Thank you for the reminder.” Magnifico said, rubbing his forehead.
It was lucky she had her tea separated with her own. She did prefer some hot chocolate or even water or even some apple juice. But if she had to go for tea she had to pick only the apple ones.
Samantha got one of the cups off the tray and handed Magnifico the tea with the sleepy medicine. Magnifico nodded and took the cup from her.
Samantha smiled as she got her cup.
“Now then. Cheers.” Magnifico said, lifting his cup to cheer.
Samantha does the same back to Magnifico.
Magnifico started to drink his tea while Samantha drank hers.
“Hm!” Magnifico exclaimed in pain, putting his teacup down on the table while putting a hand over his mouth to not do a spit take.
“What’s wrong?” Samantha asked, worried as she lowered her tea.
Magnifico swallowed and looked at the young woman with a reassuring smile. “It’s ok. The tea is a bit too hot for my taste. Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Magnifico said, reassuring her. “I can do a spell to cool it down”
That confused Samantha but she shrugged it off.
Then Magnifico put a hand over the cup and started to chant something in magic, his hand glowing teal as the spell was put upon it.
He put his hand to the side when he was done doing the spell. He picked the cup again and sipped it again. The mayor hummed in approval and happiness as he drank his tea.
Samantha starts to drink her tea again, eyeing the mayor as she did so.
When both of them were done drinking the tea, Magnifico looked fine and normal as he placed his cup down.
Samantha was confused by that. She checked if there was some tea left in the cup.
There were some left.
When he wasn't looking, she quickly took a sip of the tea and put it down.
‘Perhaps it didn't Go into effect yet. Maybe in an hour or so.’ She thought. ‘Or if he's tired…’
Samantha yawned as Magnifico asked, “Samantha, what do you know about the stars?”
Samantha looked at Magnifico, who was looking at her.
“Um… to science; stars are balls of hot gas. To explorers; the stars are the way home. To everyone; the stars are one of the many ways of wishing.” Samantha said, remembering what she knows.
Magnifico nodded as he listened to her. “You are right but you’re missing another thing.” he said, looking at the nearby window, which shows the sun setting and stars starting to appear in the sky.
“What do you mean?” Samantha asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Do you know about the story called ‘The Fallen Star’?” Magnifico asked, still looking at the dusk becoming night.
Samantha shook her head. “No… maybe… well I think Dario only told me a bit of it a while back and I completely scoffed at it, knowing it was just another theory or even a made-up story that he made.”
Magnifico chuckled and looked at her. “Well… it’s a real story. Let me tell you the story.”
Samantha looks at Magnifico as the mayor clears his throat.
“Once a long time ago, since the beginning…” Magnifico started, walking near the balcony windows and looking at the stars that were coming out as the sun set. “The stars were formed. They were like people with magic and immortality. The star kingdom helped with wishes from the humans, granting the good ones while giving warnings to the people who wished bad wishes, mostly by dreams or nightmares to speak.”
Samantha got intrigued and listened to the mayor.
“And within the many stars, there were two star brothers. The oldest shines brighter than the younger but yet they were treated fairly…” Magnifico said, stilling looking at the stars. “However, the youngest knew he felt like it could be so much more and the power of it… He felt like he could shine and be brighter than all of them.”
Magnifico stared at the brightest star of the night before looking away and walking away from the window.
“When they got older, the oldest brother was wished upon by a scientist, who was part of a very bad war. The scientist wished for help and the oldest brother went down to help with what he could. The youngest went down after him because he wanted to see what was going on.” the mayor continued, lost in thought as he continued the story. “The older brother did get mad at his little brother for following him but they had a job to do. Both of the brothers were disguised as morals during the time. The older brother helped the scientist with what he could do with his magic and powers while the youngest brother could only watch what was happening… the war was awful… there was so much lost… ”
Then Magnifico sighed and shook his head as if to get rid of the scene of the war out of his head before continuing, “Then after a few weeks, it was time for the brothers to go back to the stars. Since starborns could only stay on the moral plane for an amount of time before they became moral and would lose their magic and powers. This was around the time when the oldest found out that he was in love with the scientist. It turns out that the scientist fell in love with the oldest brother too. But they both knew that the oldest had a job to do. They also knew that they would see each other again, one day… The youngest noticed that humans still needed help as the brothers left. When they got home, he suggested to his parents that they help by going down and using all their magic to help… but the parents refused. They said it was dangerous for a star to be on earth for a long time, a star would lose its powers if it stayed there too long and it would be bad for everyone to fix just everything… He didn't listen, knowing no one was going to help him and he took matters into his own hands so that night desperate to prove them wrong.” Magnifico added, looking at the photo of the town. “He practices all types of magic, including dark magic, which is forbidden in the star kingdom, and even disguises himself as a moral when he was on the earth so he could practice as soon as he begins growing stronger magic… It didn't take long for the family and other stars to find the danger inside the youngest, especially the darkness in his eyes and power hunger. ‘Oh what he has become.’ some stars would say. Some of the stars feared the youngest while some tried to get him help.”
“What did the youngest brother star do or what did the family do?” Samantha asked, getting more hooked into the story and wanting to know more.
“The youngest didn’t want to give up on humans or his power. He didn’t want help from anyone.” Magnifico said, looking at Samantha before looking down as if remembering a memory. “So, the brother chose to run away before the family could do anything. On the night of his run away, he took the most prized possession, the family’s spell book. The oldest saw his brother run away, along with his newly wed wife, which was the soul of the scientist that the oldest loved who just became a star. The couple alerted the guards and sounded the alarm bells to the whole kingdom when seeing the youngest ran away. The youngest was able to run away down to earth and hide before any of the stars could stop him.”
“What happened to the youngest star?” Samantha asked, worried.
“He… he was able to get some humans to safety and build a kingdom of his very own.” Magnifico said, still looking down.
“The humans live in no fear and are always happy in the kingdom the star made…” Magnifico said, looking at Samantha this time. “The star is still alive to this day.”
Samantha hummed and nodded but then got confused. “Wait… there’s a problem with the story.” she said.
“And what makes you say that?” Magnifico asked, tilting his head to the side.
“The parents said that a star would lose its power if it stayed here too long. The youngest would have either disappeared or, maybe, became human, which is mortal.” Samantha explained.
Magnifico stares at her for a moment, his eyes unblinking, like a predator having its prey in its sight.
Samantha got nervous by the staring. “Unless, the star did something?” Samantha guessed.
Magnifico gave a smirk and nodded. “Yes. He did.” he said, starting to walk to her. “The youngest would have the wishes of the people who lived in the kingdom. That kept him alive. He would destroy the bad and dangerous wishes and he would feed off of them while keeping the somewhat dangerous and good ones safe… He did it for the safety of the kingdom he made… the safety of Rosas.”
Samantha’s eyes widened in fear, She began connecting the dots. “Wait… You… you’re the…”
“Star. I’m the Fallen Star.” Magnifico said, smiling at her as his eyes glowed green for a moment.
Samantha began to back away in fear, trying to find something to defend herself, now realizing his true colors. But she felt nearly weak and collapsed to the floor as Magnifico walked over to her.
Samantha tries crawling to the door, feeling more tired.
She tried to stand up, trying to get out of here but he caught her and dragged her away from the door and onto the couch.
“What did you do to me?” Samantha asked, looking at Magnifico in fear.
“Oh, I put a spell on the drink after I sipped it and had that little ‘reaction’.” Magnifico explained, looking down at her. “The spell I put on it doesn't affect me but does have effect on you. You see, after you drink it, the spell will make you feel vulnerable, truthful, and will make you give me your wish.”
“What, I didn't have one-” she lied before coughing for a moment, “-and I will never give it to you-!” She covered her mouth to stop talking as she realized what the spell was doing to her.
Then Magnifico grabbed her jaw in one hand and made her look at him as he grabbed both of her wrist in the other. “Did you really think that I be dumb enough to not know what you kept this.” he asked as he revealed the two silver electric bracelets she made and wore that were hiding under her sleeves.
“But…how?” the young woman asked, fear in her eyes.
“The fake wish you gave me.” the mayor said as he walked back to her. “It had a less glow from the others, like it had no purpose. And it had a bit more of a yellow glow than purple. So, I got curious and destroyed it to see if it did anything to you. It did nothing to you.”
Samantha glared at Magnifico and growled, “You'll never get my wish! Not as long as I'm still alive!”
Magnifico looked down at her before he started to laugh, which made Samantha confused.
“I don’t think you heard me right…” the mayor said, wiping a tear from his eyes. “I said, ‘I put a spell on the tea that will make you feel vulnerable, truthful, and will make you give me your wish’. So, your soul may be strong but your human body is now weak and vulnerable.”
Samantha’s eyes widened in fear as she heard that. She began trying to stand but with the remaining strength she had, she fell back onto the couch.
That made the mayor chuckle darkly for a moment before hovering his hand over Samantha’s heart. “Now…” Magnifico started with a dark smile, a hand over Samantha’s heart, making it glow yellow. “Give me what your heart’s desire.”
Samantha panted in fear as she felt her body give up her wish, making her forget about her wish. Her breathing became heavy as she looked at her wish, now being held by Magnifico as he put the wish in its own purple wish orb around it.
Samantha stares in fear at what was happening.
“Now, let’s see what your wish is.” Magnifico said, waving a hand over the orb to show her wish.
It was her dream to be an owner of the animal shelter. It shows her with many different animals, she was smiling and was relaxed.
Samantha stared at Magnifico, tears streaming down her face, and begged, “Please… give me back my wish… please…”
She reached her hand, trying to get it back but Magnifico pulled the wish away from her reach.
“I’ll give it back.” Magnifico said, looking down at her. “If you are willing to tell me who the traitor is.”
Samantha glared as she bit down her tongue to not say who it was.
Magnifico hummed and popped his lips. “Fine. Say goodbye to your wish.” he said, looking at the wish as he started to crack her wish.
Samantha’s eyes widened in fear as she watched her wish being cracked. “No-!” she started to shout but was cut off when-
Magnifico just crushed her wish.
Samantha felt her heart shattered when her wish was destroyed. A single tear ran down her face as she laid on the couch in shock.
Soon her wish was destroyed, there was a yellow light glow of where the wish was. Then the mayor waved his free hand over it, making it become a light green in the mayor’s hands before it flew all around him before going into his chest, making him sigh with a smile.
Then Magnifico looks at Samantha, no remorse on his face.
The next thing Samanthna knew was that the mayor walked to the black mirrors and heard the doors open.
Then the young woman heard someone groaning tiredly.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Magnifico said to the person.
Samantha tried to force herself to get up to see the person but she was so weak that she fell off the couch. She start to pass out as she heard the mayor said, “Alright, let’s have this meeting that you wanted to talk to me about.”
The sound of the black mirrors closing was the last thing Samantha heard before going unconscious.
Bazeema was going to the study to get the tray that Samantha brought up to put it into the dumbwaiter and see what’s going on.
She looked at the door and took in a breath before knocking. “Hello?” she said in a mix of soft and loud voice.
There was nothing for a moment until Bazeema heard something muffled on the other side of the door. Scared but knowing that she needed to do her work, she opened the door to see no one, beside her, in the room.
“Huh?” she said to herself as she walked in, looking to see if there were people hiding or not.
Then Bazeema saw Samantha on the ground unconscious. “Sam!” she said in worry, running over to her side.
Bazeema checked to see if Samantha was alive. She sighs in relief because she is alive.
She got her phone and called Dahlia (knowing that the rest of the friends, besides Simon and Asha, are in the kitchen) for help.
“Hey, Bazeema.” Dahlia said. “What’s up?”
“Guys…” Bazeema started when everyone picked up, trying not to panic. “Sam needs help.”
“Bazeema, what’s wrong?” Dahlia asked worriedly.
Bazeema tried to be calm from her shock and panic as she explained, “Samantha is on the floor and needs help.”
“We’ll be there right away-” Sofi and Dario started to say but were cut off.
Then the black mirror doors opened.
Bazeema jumped and quickly went under the mayor’s desk to hide. She put her phone on mute as she put a hand over her mouth so she would be quiet.
She only saw the mayor and someone's big shadows on the wall.
“Thank you for meeting with me.” Magnifico said to the person, shaking their hand. “A wish ceremony will take place shortly after I get back.”
The person nodded.
Then there was a groan from Samantha, which got the mayor’s attention as he flick his wrist to close the black mirrors.
Magnifico went to Samantha, glaring down at her. “As for you,” he growled, picking her up and forcing her on her feet, “You will be an example to show the traitor of what happens if you cross me.”
“No no no no no no no, please! No!” Samantha begged as she stared at Magnifico in fear.
Bazeema closed her eyes in fear, not wanting to see what happens next. She heard the door of the study open as footsteps walked to it and then the door closed.
Bazeema opened her eyes when she heard the footsteps fade away. She unmuted her phone as she uncovered her mouth.
There was silence for a moment until Gabo shouted through the phone, “What was that?!”
Bazeema looked at her phone as she crawled out of her hiding spot. “I don’t know…” she said to her phone before looking at the door.
Bazeema felt that she needed to be brave. “I'm going to put the teacups in the dumbwaiter and send them down. I’m going to follow the mayor and Sam.” Bazeema said, grabbing the teacups and taking them to the dumbwaiter. She pressed the button on the side to summon up the dumbwaiter.
“Bazeema, wait!” Hal called out from the phone.
“Be safe, ok? I don’t want you to get hurt…” Hal said on the phone as the dumbwaiter got there.
Bazeema couldn't help but smile. “Got it.” Bazeema said, nodding to the phone as she opened the dumbwaiter door and put the teacups.
She hung up and put her phone away before she closed the dumbwaiter door and pressed the down button to send it down.
Bazeema looked at the door as she started to leave the study/office.
‘I hope that they’re not going where I think they’re going…’ the young woman thought as she opened the study door. She closed the door on her way out and she started to follow Magnifico and Samantha.
It took her a few minutes but she found them and started to follow. But Bazeema stopped and hid around the corner of the hall as soon as she spotted someone in the hall with Magnifico and Samantha. She carefully took a peak on who it was.
It was Simon.
Magnifico took Simon to a guest room and said, “You may wait here until the wish ceremony. Thank you for helping Rosas.”
Simon nodded to Magnifico and went inside the room as Magnifico and Samantha started to continue to walk.
‘What?’ Bazeema thought in shock, her eyes widened as she couldn’t believe what she saw.
Before Bazeema starts to follow the mayor and her (supposedly) hurt friend, she takes a breath to calm herself down as she pulls out her phone to text Hal.
Bazeema quickly texted: [Hal! The mayor did something to Samantha and I think Simon told the mayor who did the wish!]
Hal quickly texted back: [WHAT?! This is really bad…]
Bazeema quickly texts reassuringly: [Don’t worry. I’m going to get Sam and Asha (if they’re going to Asha’s place). We have to come up with a plan before we become refugees… I think I have a place in mind as a backup. I’ll let you know later. Make sure you and the others stay together and don’t get taken in.]
Hal texts: “Ok. Be safe, Love.”
Bazeema stared at the text before sending a heart emoji before she carefully went after Magnifico and Samantha.
‘You got this.’ Bazeema thought as she followed after them.
Author’s Notes: We hope that you liked this chapter! This is the longest chapter (so far)! We took a lot of inspiration from different songs for the song change. The yellow light (When Magnifico crushed Sam's wish) is the wish before Magnifico uses his magic to make it green so it can go into his chest and make him stronger.
#wish#Wishes to Reality#wish au#modern au#wish 2023#asha#valentino#saba sabino#sakina#simon#simon o'donohue#samantha winters#wish oc#sofi#bazeema#hal#gabo#dario#dahlia#queen amaya#amaya#king magnifico#magnifico#wish fic#star#star boy
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Simon O'Donohue

Simon he Close of Star boy. He wished to be something like a..... KNIGHT to the King, but be Knight to.... Asha 😏😏😏

#disney#magic#disneysprincess#animations#asha#princess asha#disneywish#SimonxAsha#disney's wish2023#wish simon#fantasy#simon o'donohue#2D#CGI
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アーシャも無理矢理命令され、素材集めはともかく、いくら迷惑行為をした人でも痛い目を見させて吊し上げにするのはって反対するけど、 これはロサスを守るためじゃなくランド&シーを���ることになる善行だとか言いくるめられて、最後は禁マグからいい子だって頭を撫でられ父親の面影を感じちゃう(*´Д`)
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#6fanarts is complete at last!
Had so much fun drawing all these big boys suggested by my BlueSky followers.
#6 fanarts#disney wish#wish simon#simon o'donohue#hazbin hotel#hazbin adam#monster high#monster high g3#manny taur#inside out 2#inside out embarrassment#cinderella 2#Cinderella 2 baker#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#raphael kirsten#fan art#my art
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cw: blood
Yeah, I like this fellow a normal amount
#wish simon#disney wish#wish movie#king magnifico#wish edit#wish fanart#disney wish fanart#wish simon fanart#Simon O'Donohue#evan peters#simon wish#cw blood#content warning#disney fanart#wish fandom#my drawings#my edit#wish 2023#wish au
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Our lovable puppy makes a new friend who not afraid to "Try Everything..."
#wish 2023#wish fanfic#wish fandom#puss in boots the last wish#puss in boots fanfic#crossover#zootopia#perrito#king magnifico#asha wish#asha#wish bazeema#dahlia#wish gabo#wish dario#simon o'donohue#wish safi#wish hal#Bazeema#wish sabino#wish sakina#John the bear#judy hopps
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#disney#animations#magic#disneysprincess#princess asha#asha#disneywish#fantasy#SimonxAsha#disney dahlia#wish 2023#simon o'donohue
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Wishes to Reality
Chapter 4: Surprise Magic Dance Party
Prologue | Last chapter | Next chapter
Notice/warnings: food/eating, chasing, shouting/yelling, mayhem!!!!
Before Asha, Star, and Valentino went to the mansion, they went home so Asha could get her bag.
When they got to the front yard of the house, Asha took in a breath and sighed before looking at Star and Valentino.
Star looked around in amazement while Valentino looked at Asha.
“Alright, you two behave.” Asha said to them before going to the front door as she got her keys to the house out.
As Asha unlocked the door and went inside, she was glad and luckily her bag was not hard to find since it was in the living room.
Her backpack was beautiful and unique with a gorgeous shade of lavender purple with marigold orange accents, the pockets had some light lilac purple with crimson red trimming with sparkles on them.
As Asha closed the creaky wooden door, the aroma of sizzling spices and toasting bread filled the air. In the cozy kitchen, she caught sight of Sakina and Saba Sabino bustling around, clad in aprons, preparing a delicious breakfast. Startled by her sudden appearance, both adults turned towards her with wide smiles of surprise. "Asha!" they exclaimed in unison, dropping their cooking utensils and rushing over to envelop her in warm, tight hugs.
“Mama! Saba!” Asha exclaimed, surprised by the hugging.
“Asha, you ok?” Saba asked worriedly, looking at Asha.
“Are you ok? Where were you all night? We've been worried sick!” her mother exclaimed, checking her daughter.
“I’m ok.” Asha reassured. “I was at the… wishing tree. The tree that dad would take me to… Sorry for scaring you both.”
Sakina and Saba Sabino look at each other before looking at Asha again, nodding.
“It’s alright, Asha. It is around the time of the anniversary of your father’s death…” Saba Sabino reassured Asha before sighing sadly. Asha looked at Saba Sabino as he apologized, “I am sorry for shouting at you yesterday.”
“Yeah… It’s ok.” Asha said, smiling sadly. “I don’t blame you if I was you…”
Asha did feel some doubt about last night at dinner, the words that were said. She knows that her Saba and mother have been through a lot and sacrificed a lot too before coming to Rosas.
“No, no… It was wrong of me.” Saba Sabino said, holding Asha’s hand gently in his hands. “I shouldn’t have put my anger on you…”
Asha looked at both Saba and her mother.
Sakina and Saba Sabino sigh softly with sad smiles, which got Asha to smile sadly back at them.
“Have you eaten? You must be starving.” Saba Sabino said, guiding Asha to the kitchen with Sakina.
Asha nodded. “Yeah, I am hungry…” she said before sniffing herself. She needed to put on some deodorant before going out.
“Ok, what do you want to eat?” Sakina asked, going back on the food she was working on.
“Maybe toast and a soda.” Asha said as she started to go to the guest bathroom.
“You’ll need more than that.” Sakina said, cooking something. “How about a breakfast sandwich? Because that’s what I’m already making.”
Asha got quiet because of nervous. “Um… sure.” she said as she went to the bathroom to put on fresh deodorant.
“Alright, Asha.” Sakina said, making breakfast sandwiches.
“Ok…” Asha said from the bathroom, getting the new layer of deodorant on her armpits. Then she came out when she was done and asked, “Could I have it to go, please? I have another busy day.”
“Oh? What’s happening today?” Sakina asked as she continued to make the breakfast sandwiches.
“My friends need help with work again.” Asha lied, rubbing her hand to be calm as she walked over.
“Oh?” Sakina and Saba Sabino asked, looking at her.
Asha stopped in place and was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Yes.”
“Asha, you did your pauses again.” Sakina said, turning her body as she faced her and had her arms across her chest. “What’s going on?”
Before Asha could say anything, Saba Sabino raised his hand and said, “She might be processing the light last night.”
Asha and Sakina look at Saba for a moment. “Yes, exactly!” Asha said, pointing at Saba and nodding.
Sakina looked at Asha before humming softly and went back to finish making the sandwiches.
Asha went to her mother when Sakina was done making the sandwiches.
Both sandwiches had cream cheese, melted mild cheddar cheese slice, some bacon, cooked ham, and lettuce.
Asha got the one of the sandwiches as she got it in a wrapping food paper. Then she got a strawberry milk carton on the go and a crip apple. She put the food in her lunch box.
“Thanks mama.” Asha said, smiling at her before going to get her bag.
“Hold up, you need some other proteins besides you haven't eaten a lot since dinner.” Sakina said, grabbing her shoulder to stop her moving.
Asha turned around and looked at her. “Mama. I’ll be ok. I promise.” Asha reassured.
Sakina looked at Asha for a moment and sighed with a smile, “Alright. Be safe, Asha.”
Asha nodded with a soft smile before hugging Sakina and then she hugged Saba Sabino.
“Love you both!” Asha said to both of them as she quickly grabbed her bag and went out.
As Asha put her lunch box in her bag, she saw Star and Valentino dancing.
Asha closed the door while she stared at them dancing.
Valentino stopped dancing when seeing that someone was watching. “You saw nothing!” the talking goat said, pointing a hoof at Asha.
“I know what I saw and I won’t tell anyone.” Asha reassured. “Come on. Let’s go.”
Asha, Valentino, and Star start to go into town.
Asha, Valentino, and Star, who is now out of the bag , were down an alleyway of the city.
“Okay, we can't be seen with you because people are going to freak out that a real star is here. So just with the time being until we figured this out, you need to blend in.” Asha said to Star, getting its attention.
Star nodded in understanding.
Then Star flew out of the bag and shapeshifted into a little boy, no older than five, with blonde brown hair removing its yellow streak, hazel eyes. He was wearing a magenta t-shirt, dark blue shorts, white socks and yellow shoes. There was a big Star on the front of the shirt and small stars on both the arms and pants.
But it was all covered in sparkles and still had that literal star light glow.
Star looks at his human form to see that he’s glowing. Then hugs himself as he takes in a deep breath, which stops his glow. He looked at his hands and smiled with satisfaction before looking at Asha.
“That much better.” Asha said, kneeling down and helping straighten out his clothes.
Star giggled.
Asha smiled and went to a nearby bench that was near the fountain with Valentino and Star.
Asha starts to get out her lunch box and she closes the bag.
She started to eat the food from her lunch bag as she sat down on the bench by the fountain, trying to sketch out the plan in her sketchbook.
Asha gave Valentino some of the lettuce from her sandwich and the apple.
‘Come on, think…’ she thought as she ate.
As she began drawing something, Star was getting a bit impatient. He got the ball of yarn out of her bag and started to play with it, tossing it up in the air and letting it fall into his hands.
It started to get a bit distracting for Asha.
Calmly, she closed her sketchbook and got her sandwich.
She carefully ripped her sandwich in two pieces, one piece bigger than the other, before she got Star’s attention again. “Hey, Star.” she started, looking at Star, who was still playing with the ball of yarn.
Star stops tossing the yarn in the air and looks at Asha as she shows the piece of the sandwich to Star.
“Are you hungry?” Asha asked, smiling softly at him.
Star put the ball of yarn back in the bag and tilted his head to the side, confused.
“Do you want to eat?” Asha asked, offering the small piece to Star.
Star looks at her and then at the piece before grabbing it. Star looked at the piece of sandwich for a moment before eating it.
Asha chuckled softly as she ate her sandwich.
As soon as the three finished eating, Asha was thinking about the plan. “Hm…” she hummed.
Valentino was trying to think of a plan with her.
While they were busy thinking and focusing on a plan, Star noticed a nearby market.
It looks interesting to him.
So, without a second thought, he went into the marketplace, leaving Asha and Valentino by the fountain.
Asha looked at where Star originally was sitting to then realize that Star wasn’t there.
Her eyes widened in panic.
“Oh no.” Asha breathed, looking up and around to see where Star had gone. “Where did Star go?!”
Valentino started to look around too before his eyes locked on something. “There!” the talking goat whispered, pointing his hoof at the thing.
Asha looked at where Valentino was pointing at and saw Star going into the market.
Asha quickly puts her lunch box back in her bag and starts to chase after the boy with Valentino.
Star looked around the market in amazement.
Star noticed a puddle by his feet and then stomped his feet in it, making him giggle and look at his reflection before continuing walking.
One point of Star’s walk, he walked by a fish booth, noticing that the baskets were almost empty with a sign that read in red bold writing ‘out of fish until next week’ and the fishmonger looked sad.
Star felt sad for him.
Before Star left, he secretly used his magic to turn an almost empty out basket filled with different fishes, which the fishmonger was surprised by but was also happy.
“Well, this is a surprise!” the fishmonger chuckled, looking at Star waving at him before continuing to walk.
The fishmonger waved back and chuckled as he started to get back to work, getting the sign down.
Then Asha bumped into the fishmonger and she fell onto the ground.
“Whoa! Oh, hello, Asha.” the fishmonger said with a smile, offering a hand to help her up.
Asha accepted his help as she grabbed his hand and got up with his help. “Hello, Señor Cortez. Sorry for bumping into you.” she said as she got on her feet.
“It’s alright.” Señor Cortez chuckled, going back to the back of the booth. “Want a fish?”
Asha smiled and chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Not today but thank you for asking. I hope you don't mind me asking but have you seen a little boy? A little boy with blonde hair?” Asha asked.
“Oh, he went that way.” Señor Cortez said, pointing the way Star went. “That little boy is almost like the mayor but also different.”
“Ok, thank you!” Asha said before going where Señor Cortez saw where Star went.
“No problem, Asha!” Señor Cortez called out to her before going back to work.
Star continued to walk around, doing little small and subtle granting wishes, which made people happy.
At one point while walking around, he stopped near a fruit stand. He found a delicious red apple in a basket of apples and he felt hungry.
The small piece of the sandwich that Asha gave him didn’t satisfy his hunger.
Star tried to grab the apple but it was out of his reach, making him pout.
The fruit seller and her mother noticed that but instead of being mad she just noticed the boy was hungry.
“I see that you are hungry.” the fruit seller said with a chuckle.
Star looked at the fruit seller and nodded, still pouting.
The fruit seller hummed as her mother walked around the table to be in front and took the apple out of the basket.
“Well, here you go.” The fruit seller reassured Star, giving him the apple. “Don’t worry, it’s free. So, you can continue on your way.”
Star smiled at the both of them and hugged her to say ‘Thank you!!!’ before taking the apple and taking a bite out of it. Then he tapped on top (as best as he can) the booth table, leaving real golden coins as he left.
The fruit seller picked up the coins and she, along with her mother, looked at the coins before looking at where Star went.
Asha was looking around as she went to the two fruit sellers.
The fruit seller smiled at the young woman and asked, “Ah, good morning Asha. Are you here to get apples for your friends again?”
Asha has done some of the errands for Dahlia of getting the apples, whenever her friends were cooking apple pie or in that case making anything that was apple related or contains apples.
“Good morning, Carvalho and Maria. Not today. By the way,” Asha said, shaking her head before changing the subject, “have you teo seen a little blonde boy that passed around here?”
“To answer that, yes. we have.” Carvalho, the young fruit seller, said with a smile as she got some more fruit out. “He’s a sweet little boy.”
“He is. Are you babysitting the boy?” Maria, the elder fruit seller, asked Asha.
“Um… you can say that… But anyway, where is he now?” Asha asked, shrugging a bit before pointing in any direction.
“He went that way.” Carvalho said, pointing where Star went as she went back to her booth.
“Ok, thank you!” Asha said going in the direction with Valentino.
“See you later, Asha!” Carvalho and Maria said, waving to her before continuing to work.
Star was continuing his walk around the market before something caught his eye.
It was a clothing shop and it also looked very interesting.
So interesting that he went inside the clothing shop, which was selling some cute and amazing clothes.
Star looked at the different clothes in amazement while eating the apple.
He noticed a few mannequins, one with just a long skirt, one with a teal dress and the other Just a plain t-shirt and jeans.
He secretly thought secretly being creative with both of them.
Star used his magic to start putting an outfit together on an empty mannequin by using plain clothing. He put into a set of green and white striped pants with a rooster design T-shirt, and a white and light blue belt that held up the pants. Then he used his magic to put a big brown fake fur coat over a beautiful long teal dress.
Star took a few steps back, a happy smile on his face when looking at the design he made.
The main dress designer just walked by when Star was done. She was carrying a few black shirts with a few white lighting bolt designs when noticing the new outfit and addition to one of the outfits on the mannequins and she gasped, “Oh my!”
Star jumped and was about to run but he stumbled and fell over a nearby hat rack leg, making him drop the apple. The hat rack and the hats on it fell over on him, making some of his stardust show up.
Star started to cry.
The dress designer looked at him and went to him. She put the shirts on a nearby table before she knelt down and got the hat rack off of him. “Are you ok?” she asked, gently putting a hand on his back.
Star just whimpers softly in response.
“Here, let me help you.” The dress designer said, offering her hand to Star.
The little boy looked at her hand before taking it, beginning to stand up with her help and sniffing a bit, starting to feel better. He shook a bit and some of the stardust got all over the hats, making them shine.
“Wow, this is a very interesting glitter.” The dress designer said when looking at the now shining hats. Then she looked at Star again and asked, “You ok?”
Star nodded.
Then he heard a familiar voice call out, “Muriel? Are you here?”
The dress designer looked and waved at the person, replying, “Yes, I’m over here, Asha.”
Star looked over and saw Asha and Valentino walking over. He smiled big when seeing them, giggling.
Asha was about to speak to Muriel but then saw Star with her. Her eyes lit up when seeing him as she walked over.
“There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!” Asha said to Star as the child ran and hugged her, making her hug him back and she chuckled.
“You know this child?” Muriel asked, pointing at Asha and Star.
Asha looked at Muriel for a long moment before nodding. “Yes.”
Muriel stared at Asha for a moment and then hummed before picking up the hats.
Asha started to help pick up the hats.
“Thank you my dear. I hope you don’t mind me asking about the boy but are you babysitting him or is he a relative?” Muriel asked as they put the hats on the hat rake.
“I’m… babysitting.” the young woman said finally.
“Aw! What’s his name?” the dress designer asked when they were done putting the hats on the rake.
Asha looked at Muriel again and didn’t know how to respond. “I…” she started as she picked up Star and held him.
Then Star cup both hands over Asha’s ear and softly whispered something in her ear.
Asha’s eyes widened a bit when realizing that Star could somewhat talk but she remained calm. “Leo. His name is Leo.” Asha said finally to Muriel, smiling softly and gently rubbing the back of the little boy.
“Ah… Leo. Very nice name.” Muriel hummed softly, smiling softly. “Like the lion or the zodiac sign or the star.”
“Y-Yeah, or the turtle.” Asha started with an awkward chuckle before looking around to see where her goat went. “Wait, where’s Valentino?”
Muriel started looking around to help Asha find Valentino.
Then Star tapped Asha’s shoulder and pointed where the goat was.
The young woman and dress designer looked at where the little boy was pointing at.
Valentino was walking back to them with an apple in his mouth. It was the same one that Star dropped earlier.
Valentino pretends to be a normal animal, trying to baa while having the apple in his mouth.
“There you are Valentino.” Asha chuckled when looking at her pet goat. Then she looked at Muriel and apologized, “I’m sorry about the mess.”
That got a soft laugh from Muriel. “It’s alright.”
Before Asha, Star, and Valentino started their way, Muriel asked, “Where are you going by the way? If you don't mind me asking.”
“Just some errands to run.” Asha said, looking at Muriel before going.
Muriel nodded and hummed, “Alright, you three be safe.”
Asha nodded and the three went out of the clothing shop.
The three went to a nearby alleyway, leaving the shop and market.
“You did scare us, Star.” Asha said to Star as Star shapeshifted back into star form. “We got really worried”
Star frowns sadly and offers to hug her as if to say ‘sorry’.
Asha stares at Star for a moment before hugging Star back. “Now, come on. Let’s get going.” Asha said to Star and Valentino.
The two nodded and the three left the alley to get to the mansion.
Asha had Star in her bag again as she began checking around the mansion if close as clear.
Star tries to get out of the bag in excitement but Asha tries to make sure that no one sees Star by making sure the bag is closed.
Asha begins checking for any guards that were on patrol that day as she and her goat sneak inside. She's trying to make sure there are no creaks or even cameras anywhere.
They got to the kitchen, still hiding from anyone.
Asha sneaked into the chicken coop room with Valentino. She sighed before she opened her bag. “You can come out now.” Asha said, looking at Star.
Star came out of the bag and looked around the room before looking at Asha and Valentino, smiling at them.
Asha smiled at Star and gently rubbed the side of its face with her pointer finger. “This place should be safe for you for now.” she said quietly to Star. “I need to get an answer to a question.”
“Alright, let’s go!” Valentino said out loud and proud. Then his mouth was covered by Asha as his owner shushed him.
“You are also staying here too, Valentino.” Asha said quietly, removing her hand away from his mouth.
Valentino looked at his owner, offended. “What? Leave me here with Star?! And the chickens?!” he asked angrily.
“Well, you’re a talking goat now and a lot of people would freak out at a talking animal.” Asha said quietly with some sass.
Valentino pouted as he sat down.
Star landed on top of the goat’s head and nuzzled as it giggled quietly, which made Asha chuckle.
“I’ll be back soon.” Asha reassured as she went to the door to leave the room.
Valentino and Star nodded and watched Asha leave the room.
As soon Asha left the room, Star began flying and playing around the entire hen pen, began shapeshifting, imitating the chickens, hens and roosters.
Asha slowly walked her way to the main part of the kitchen, trying to not look suspicious as she looked for Dahlia.
“Asha?” a voice called out.
Asha jumped and turned around to see Samantha walking over.
“Sam! Hey!” Asha said, waving awkwardly.
“Are you okay? Have you seen the light last night?” Samantha asked, smiling softly
“I’m ok. The light last night?... Oh yes!” Asha said, chuckling softly.
“It was unusual then any other I saw before but yet, it was beautiful.” Samantha said.
Asha nodded. “Yeah.” she said, looking a bit distracted.
“What's been going on with you recently?” Samantha asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Um… nothing. I just want to ask Dahlia something.” Asha said, looking at Samantha.
“Okay… but, you know, if you still have any issues, you can tell me.” Samantha said, putting a hand on Asha’s shoulder.
Asha nodded with a soft reassuring smile.
Then Sofi, Hal, and Gabo came into the kitchen.
“The light last night was amazing! It gave off happiness!” Hal said with a soft laugh. “You must have felt it last night, Gabo.”
“I felt it. But I think it’s a curse. So, nothing good.” Gabo said, shaking his head.
Sofi tilted his head to the side a bit confused while Hal crossed her arms across her chest and asked, “Why do you think that?”
All that Gabo could answer was just a shrug.
“Hey, guys!” Samantha said, waving at them as both her and Asha walked over to them. “You're talking about the light, huh?”
“Yep!” Sofi said, smiling before sneezing into his arm. “It was cool.”
“I thought it was pretty bright and beautiful as well, unlike any star I have seen.” Samantha said with a chuckle.
Then Dario and Simon came in before anyone could ask Asha about what her thoughts were about the light.
Dario walks over to them with a giggle, “Hey, guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!”
“What is it?” Hal asked.
“You know that I normally go on a short walk around the woods in the morning right?” Dario asked, still smiling.
The gang nodded.
“Well, a squirrel said good morning to me!” Dario said with a giggle.
Everyone looked at Dario in silence, very confused.
“I have no response to that.” Gabo said, breaking the silence.
“Really? Did you get delusional by some fruit punch you made again?” Samantha asked. She knows that he is not a drug abuser or lays his hands on drugs or smoking but sometimes makes drinks that are well, make him illusional. Like too much soda or even ones with sugar tablets inside of his everyday drinks, including water.
“No.” Dario said, shaking his head as he looked at his friends.
“Hm…” Samatha hummed a bit before looking at her brother.
Simon was looking at himself in the reflection of a spoon.
“Are you ok, Simon?” Samantha asked, walking over to him.
Simon looked at her and nodded.
“What’s up with him?” Gabo asked, looking at Samantha.
“You can ask him yourself.” Samantha said to him.
Everyone looks at Simon as he walks over to them with Samantha. “Hey.” Simon said, looking at them. “I’m ok. Just thinking of what I felt last night.”
“Oh? What happened?” Bazeema asked as she appeared out of nowhere, making everyone jump and look at her.
“Well… that light last night, when it went over our home, I felt like I was… whole again and not too tired.” Simon said, smiling tiredly at the friends. “It was just for a moment. But I loved it.”
The friends’ look surprised by that.
Asha was so worried about the situation that she chuckled a bit nervously before clearing her throat.
“Ok… Has anyone seen-” Asha started but was cut off when Dahlia hurriedly came in and went to the oven to get a pan of cookies out. “Never mind.” Asha said to them.
They all look at Asha, confused, before looking at their friend that just came in.
Dahlia put the pan of fresh cookies on the island countertop and then closed the oven.
Dario saw the delicious cookies and thought of taking one for himself when Dahlia spotted him in time. She grabbed his wrist before he could grab one.
“No one takes a cookie from the pan! That includes you, Dario!” Dahlia warned, pointing a finger at them before pointing at the cookies. “These are for the mayor.”
Dario shrugged as he let his hand move away from the pan when Dahlia let go of his wrist.
Everyone looked at Dahlia, confused.
“Are you back in your fangirl faze again?” Gabo asked, confused.
Dahlia looked at him, confused for a moment. “What? No. I just noticed that Magnifico isn’t ok this morning.” Dahlia said, looking worried.
“Seriously? First off, what happened to the mayor? And secondly, when someone has cookies doesn't it always mean for us? Remember?” Samantha said, talking some sense into her.
Dahlia nodded but she still looked scared. “I saw Magnifico scream and did a magic burst thing. It was terrifying… It was probably something that made him upset… I just want him to feel better.”
“It could have been that light.” Gabo suggested.
“Gabo! Why do you think it has to do something with the light?” Hal asked with sass.
“Think about it! A light appeared out of nowhere last night and now Magnifico is upset. The two must be connected!” Gabo exclaimed with some sass. “Don’t you all get it? There’s something wrong going on!”
The friends just looked at him while Asha chuckled a bit nervously.
Then a lot of noise and laughing from the chicken room, which got everyone’s attention.
“Why are those sounds coming from the chicken room?” Samantha asked, pointing at the room.
“My chickens!” Sofi screamed as he ran to the room.
“Sofi!” Asha exclaimed, running after him.
Before Sofi reached the door, Asha was so quick and stood in front of the door, blocking it.
“Asha, you need to move!” Sofi said, trying to get to the door.
“Sofi, the chickens are fine.” Asha tried to reassure him. “The chickens are fin-”
There was another loud crash in the chicken room, which made Sofi panic more.
“Girls!” Sofi screamed in panic, trying to get to the door.
“No!” Asha said, picking up Sofi in a fireman’s carry.
She was about to walk away from the door while carrying Sofi but stopped as the rest of the friends walked over to them.
“Asha, what’s going on?” Dahlia asked, wanting to know what’s going on along with everyone else.
“Nothing!” Asha exclaimed, putting Sofi back down as she still blocked the door with her body.
“Asha, you'll tell us the truth right now!” Samantha said, acting like her mother with some sass, her hands on her hips in a serious way and tapping her foot.
Again, Samantha acted like a sort of mother friend of the group.
Asha looked at her friends, who all wanted answers, and then she sighed and explained, “Ok… I’ll tell you… So, last night, after everything that happened… I wished on a star.”
The group got confused by that. “What?”
“And, don’t freak out but… the star I wished on… answered.” Asha continued, stepping to the side and then opening the door to show what was happening.
Everyone’s eyes widened, including Asha’s, when seeing the chickens singing and dancing while Valentino was conducting to make sure they were all in tune Like it was some sort of Broadway musical.
“Come on ladies, shake those tails.” Valentino said to the chickens as the chickens sang and danced more.
“The chickens are singing and dancing!?” Sofi exclaimed with a big confused smile.
“How the chickens are dancing?!” The rest of the gang, except Asha, asked in confusion.
The gang were all surprised of what was happening, also dumbfounded.
Samantha nearly fainted at the sight. Thankfully she was near the wall when entering the room with the gang, so she slid down it.
Asha begins trying to calm them down while a few of the friends start to pinch themselves to see if it's true or not.
It was real.
“You may not be able to fly high but your voices can!” Valentino said to the chickens as he continued to conduct. “Get ready for the big finish!”
The chickens sang louder as they did their big finish.
The friends just stare at the chickens while Asha looks around before going to Valentino. “Valentino, where’s Star?” she asked, worried.
“I don’t know!” Valentino exclaimed, looking at his owner.
“Valentino talks?!” Hal exclaimed in shock, pointing at the talking goat.
The rest of the gang’s jaws dropped at that.
“Ugh…” Samatha groaned as she came too.
The gang looked at her as she looked around before noticed a young chick on her shoulder.
The young chick was different from the rest of the other chickens. It had a yellow gold glow.
Then stardust from that chick dusted over her coat. Sam started trying to dust it off but that made the dust glow and then the coat turned longer and into a pale blue color and the sleeve into short puffy ones.
Samantha screamed in a panic and jumped to her feet which made the young chick jump off of her shoulder and shapeshift into a star.
Then the whole group screamed in panic when they saw that while Asha looked over and exclaimed, “Star!”
Star flew to Asha and nuzzled up to her, making her chuckle softly.
The group of friends stopped screaming and just stared at them in shock.
“Ok…that's DEFINITELY weird… also my uniform has changed.” Samantha said, pointing at Star and then at her jacket with wide eyes.
Everyone looked at her to see what she meant and gasped.
She was no longer in her regular guard clothes, instead it was changed to a blue, yellow, and red dress from a fairytale.
She looked like she was glowing like a star or a fairy.
Asha chuckled softly as Star looked at the friends. “Yeah. Everyone, this is Star.” Asha introduces with a smile. “The light from last night.”
Star looked at the friends and flew over to them. Star could tell each of the people their own lives and personalities while flying back to Samantha.
“Hey.” Samantha said awkwardly to it.
Star touched her nose, put more stardust over her.
Samantha closed her eyes as she started to dust off the dust. Then suddenly Samantha's long hair was suddenly let loose by itself and tied it into a braided hair with flowers.
Samantha blushed a bit as her hair changed. She touched it to feel it as she breathed, “Whoa.”
Dahlia, Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, Dario, and Simon were shocked when seeing the hair and outfit change.
She definitely looked like a star or a fairy now.
Samantha looked at the friends and asked, “Could one of you take a photo or show what I look like with a mirror?”
Before any of the friends could do anything, everyone jumped when Star shapeshifted into a mirror.
Samantha slowly walked over to the star mirror and completely blushed red at seeing her new outfit in the reflection.
“Whoa.” Samantha said softly again, smiling at the reflection.
It was completely gorgeous. To be honest, she can't deny it.
The dress had an off shoulder but yet it was covered by but that made the dust glow and then the coat turned longer and into a pale blue color and the sleeve into short puffy ones is only on the top it was actually ombre with golden yellow, wrapped around crimson red ribbon and bow. The skirt part was long enough that it touched the ground and had a few layers of reds and blues.
When she picked the skirt up, she noticed a pair of glittery leather amber yellow war boots with royal blue cuffs.
“This is cool and weird.” Samantha said, still looking at her reflection.
Asha took out her phone and took a photo of Samantha’s new look.
Samantha was smiling big at her new look. Then she took in a breath and went back to neutral, looking at Star. “That's pretty amazing. No offense but could you change it back to how it originally was? I have work to do.” Samantha asked Star.
Star nodded as it shapeshifted back to the star form and turned Samantha's outfit back to her work outfit but it still kept the same colors as the dress which made her stand out.
“Thank you.” Samantha said, dusting off any remaining dust that’s on her.
Star nodded to her.
Then Star flew over to Dahlia.
Dahlia stared at Star with wide eyes. “Um… Hi?” Dahlia said, waving to it. “We don’t need- um… ‘upgrades’.”
Star nodded with an understanding smile and then touched her nose, which made Dahlia smile and giggled. Star held her glasses and held it over it’s eyes for a moment before gigging and putting it back onto her face.
Star flew to Bazeema, who waved at it. Then Star touched her nose, which made Bazeema giggled and touched her nose where Star touched.
Star flew over to Hal as she smiled a bit at it. Star touched her nose, which made Hal giggle and smile. That made Star giggle too.
Star flew to Sofi and touched his nose, making him smile and then sneeze, which made Star giggle more.
Star flew to Dario as he completely chuckled a little as if he was in a hallucinating state. Star touched Dario’s nose and his ears wiggled. “Woah!” Dario laughed at the funny feeling.
Then Star flew to Simon, who smiled at it tiredly. But when Star touched his nose, Star frowned sadly.
“What’s wrong?” Simon asked worriedly. “Why did I make you sad?”
Star just looks at Simon and then looks at Asha to see if she has an answer.
“Simon is 18… He came of age… He gave his wish to the mayor.” Asha explained, sadly.
“Yea, I was there at the time… but I didn't give mine.” Samantha said, placing her hand on her chest representing her heart. “I made something so I can keep my wish while I gave a fake wish.”
All of the friends look at Samantha in shock and amazed while Simon glared at Samantha as if to say ‘Don’t rub it in’.
Star just stared at them for a moment before going to Asha’s bag and came out with a small amount of yarn from the ball of yarn, already starting to make something.
“What is it?” Asha asked, looking at Star.
Star just made something out of the yarn and showed everyone a small heart.
The friends looked at the small heart as Star flew to Simon, handing him the heart.
“Oh, thank you.” Simon said, smiling softly and took the heart from Star.
The Star giggled and gave Simon a hug, glowing softly. As Star glowed, Simon looked like he wasn’t tired and wide awake when touched by Star.
The friends were surprised when seeing Simon looking wide awake.
“Creepy! Don’t accept the gift!” Gabo hissed at Simon as he hid by a barrel.
Star stopped hugging Simon, making Simon go back to his tired self, and turned around to look at Gabo before starting to chase Gabo, like it was a game of tag.
“No! No! No!” Gabo shouted as he started running around the chicken coop room, trying to not get touched by Star.
“Gabo! It’s ok! It’s ok! Star is good!” Hal tries to reassure him.
Star was still chasing him as Gabo exclaimed in a panic, “Magnifico says that magic that’s not known is bad magic!”
“There’s a bit of a loophole for that.” Asha said, pointing at Gabo as she looked at the rest of the friends.
The rest of the friends looked at her as she added, “The reason I say this is because no one don’t know how he got his magic, besides himself, and he never said how he got it.”
The friends nodded in agreement after thinking for a moment.
Then they look back at the chase, unsure of how to stop it or if they should stop it.
Gabo stopped running and turned around to face Star, who was smiling like it was a little game.
“QUIT IT!” Gabo shouted in it’s face.
Star stopped just a few inches from him, the happy smile faded into a look of fear on it’s face as if remembering a bad memory. It slowly floated away before quickly going to Asha if she could protect it from him.
Samantha begins to chuckle a bit at the moment but stops when she notices Asha glaring at her and at Gabo.
Then Asha looked at Star with a soft look. “You ok?” she asked in a soft tone.
Star shook in fear while clinging onto her.
Asha gently and carefully held Star, comforting it. “It’s ok, Star. It’s ok.” she reassured Star, gently rubbing it’s back.
Star calmed down and just rested on Asha.
The young woman held Star close, sighing softly before looking at her friends and pet goat.
“Let's get out of here.” Asha said, looking at them while holding Star. “It’s getting cramped in here.”
The nine friends, the goat, and the star left the chicken room to be back in the main part of the kitchen.
“That was so cool! The magic bit. The chase, not so much.” Dario said as they walked out. Then he gasped expectedly, which got everyone’s attention. “Oh! Does Star grant wishes? Big ones and small ones? Like a fairy godmother or fairy godfather or… something.” Dario asked Asha excitedly.
Asha looked at him as she thought for a moment before looking at Star, who nodded to her as if to say ‘Yep. You can tell’. “Well, Star does that. Star did it earlier.” Asha said, smiling softly. “When I first saw Star in the Woods last night, that’s why there’s talking animals and plants, which would be like big wishes for them. And then this morning, at the market. Star did grant small wishes.”
“Whoa!!! Cool!!!” Dario exclaimed. Then he looks at Star and points at it while saying, “People should know more about Star!”
Samantha looks at Dario with wide eyes. “Are you crazy?! No! If the mayor finds out about this, all of us will face serious punishment. Don't you guys remember that?!” Samantha exclaimed worriedly. “Besides, he doesn't like it when someone challenges his ideology!”
“Sam! Breath! Everything will be ok.” Hal reassured her, putting a hand on her arm to get her back to the present.
Then Samantha took in a breath to calm down.
“All right, we might need to think of a plan… Something that doesn't involve anything stupid.” Samantha said, in a serious matter.
The friends nodded in agreement, remembering what Dario did around the time the high school prank happened, which was that Dario (SOMEHOW) got a good handful of animals in the school, that also included Valentino. Apparently he just wanted to either teach the animals how to read. But in the end, they stopped the main prank from happening and just said that the animals were the prank. They sometimes have gotten into trouble with their principal but that stopped earlier this year. It was a bit crazy but fun.
“So, anyone think of a plan?” Samantha asked, looking at the friends as she was ready to write.
Everyone was just quiet and stared at each other.
“Actually… I have a plan.” Asha started, raising her hand.
All eight friends looked at her.
“Ok, Let's hear it.” Samantha said, getting her notebook and pen out from her pocket.
The friends look at Asha as she stares at them back, feeling the anxiety rising up in her chest.
“Well… I was going to ask Dahlia if there was a way that Magnifico eats in his study. Without using the stairs.” Asha said, playing with her braids a bit before smiling awkwardly at her friends.
All eight friends just stared at her in silence.
“There is a way.” Dahlia said, nodding as she broke the silence.
Then the sounds of bells rang outside, getting everyone’s attention.
“That’s the town meeting bell.” Bazeema said in her soft voice.
All of the friends got worried. All expect Dahlia.
“Ok. Asha, Samantha, Valentino, Star. Stay with me. The rest of you go see what the meeting is about. I’ll catch up.” Dahlia said to them, calmly.
Sofi, Bazeema, Hal, Gabo, Dario, and Simon nodded as they left the kitchen.
Asha looked worried at them. Sofi noticed her worry.
“Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone about what we know.” Sofi reassured her. Then he looked at Gabo and asked, “Right Gabo.”
The young teen stared at Sofi and Asha before replying, “What happened here didn’t happen.”
That made Asha smile a bit more, calming her down as her worry faded away.
When the friends were out of the kitchen and the door started to close, Samantha started to exclaim worriedly, “Wait! What about the plan? What are we going to do if the mayor finds out? We're dead meat! My job as a guard will be destroyed-!”
“Sam!” Dahlia shouted, grabbing Samantha’s arm to get her attention.
Samantha looked at Dahlia, breathing heavily as she started to calm down.
“Everything will be fine.” Dahlia added, still in the calm voice. “You mentioned earlier that you will be doing the inside shift today, right?”
Samantha nodded as she put the notebook and pen back into her pocket. “Yes… I am on the inside shift today…”
Dahlia smiled as if she knew the plan would go great. “Alright. So, you will meet up with Asha in the study after I show her how the food gets there.” Dahlia explained, letting go of her arm. “Then you will be on look out of the door. I will text you when he’s going to his study.”
Samantha nodded and saluted, like a general soldier.
Before leaving the kitchen, Star sprinkles some dust on Samantha's coat, making it float into the air for a moment. The sleeves were no longer there and the helm began to grow, turning it into a clear cloak with glitter trimming.
“Um… Ok?” Samantha started, looking at the coat change.
Then Star lifted the hood over her head, making her invisible.
“Oh invisibility cloak!” Samantha exclaimed, “Like one of those Harry Potter books that I’ve read online!”
Asha and Dahlia stared at her with confusion in their eyes before remembering what she’s talking about. “Oh right!” they exclaimed.
“Man, we have to relax those restrictions on those borders.” Asha said, knowing about the town's borders.
“Yeah. Anyway, back to the plan.” Dahlia said, doing a loud single clap to get the attention back on topic. “Sam, meet Asha, Valentino, and Star at the study. Asha, Valentino, and Star, stay with me.”
“Got it.” Samantha and Asha said together before the invisible friend left the kitchen.
When it was just Dahlia, Asha, Valentino, and Star in the kitchen, Dahlia looked at them and said, “Follow me.”
She led them to a window-like-door.
Asha, Valentino, and Star stared at it for a moment as Dahlia opened it.
It was a dumbwaiter elevator.
“This is how the food gets to the study.” Dahlia said with a smile.
“Oh, thank you, Dahlia!” Asha exclaimed, hugging her before picking up Valentino while Star flew inside. She got inside the dumbwaiter with Valentino and Star.
Before Asha closed the dumbwaiter door, Dahlia held the door open and asked, “What do you want me and the gang to do at this meeting?”
Asha looked at Dahlia dead in the eye and said, “Stall.”
“Stall?” Dahlia repeated to see if she heard her right.
“Yes. Stall the mayor. You guys keep him distracted with questions as long as you can. Get everyone who’s there asking questions.” Asha said to Dahlia. “Just in case the mayor gets into his study, text me or Sam in an emergency.”
Dahlia nodded. “Got it.”
Then Dahlia closed the dumbwaiter door and Asha held both Valentino and Star as the dumbwaiter started to go up, going up to the study.
Author’s Note: The market scene is based on this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M3G0T5pcMTI&si=MBkx4p_l4p78QtBF , and the outfits from the market reference are from Chicken Little, Meet the Robinsons, Brother Bear, Atlantis, and Bolt. Also the dress that Samantha wears (thanks to Star) is a reference to Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, Snow White, and Raya. Also, my co-writer and I know that Harry Potter isn’t a Disney franchise but we wanted to give another idea of what the kingdom/city is like under Magnifico’s rule.
#wish#Wishes to Reality#wish au#modern au#wish 2023#asha#valentino#saba sabino#sakina#simon#simon o'donohue#samantha winters#wish oc#sofi#bazeema#hal#gabo#dario#dahlia#star#star boy#wish fic
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Over work for Wish

Let's get straight on the line main mouse be human, The Star can't?!?!?What is too Afraid to wish

Asha's be fariy godmother well.... be careful what wish for, live out friends & family, the villain alone without queen & Future daughter will kill off Launch, killed by a rock and also eating by Bazar 😱

#disney#magic#disneysprincess#animations#princess asha#disneywish#asha#concept art#Cinderella 2 dream come true#Shape shelter#snow white and the dwarves#wish concept art#fantasy#disney hal#disney dario#disney gabo#disney dahlia#disney Safi#Simon O'Donohue#wish 2023#2D#CGI
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So DISNEY BEING.....🐔🐔🐔🐔
#disney#animation#wish 2023#simon#2D#CGI#magic#disneysprincess#princess asha#asha#disneywish#fantasy#Simon O'Donohue#Starboy#SimonxAsha
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